====== ispCP Documentation ====== This is the official documentation for ispCP. Feel free to contribute on it. \\ You need to register, to edit this wiki, due to the fact, that some guys anonymously used this wiki for their personal amusement.\\ \\ **Please also note: ONLY the English documentation will be kept up to date. All translated pages are created by members of the community, they could contain errors or outdated information.** \\ \\ If you miss YOUR language, please contact the Team on the ispCP forum.\\ \\ \\ ===== About this documentation ===== * [[docu:team]] * [[docu:licence|Licence]] * [[docu:translate]] \\ ===== About ispCP ===== * [[about:whatis]] * [[about:versions|Version History]] * [[about:requirements]] * [[about:comparsion|Comparison with other Control Panels]] \\ ===== Installation & Upgrade ===== * [[start:Installation]] * [[start:Upgrade]] * [[start:Uninstall]] * [[start:NightlyUpgrade]] \\ ===== Documentation ===== * [[guide:Admin]] * [[guide:Reseller]] * [[guide:User]] * [[autoinstaller|AutoInstaller]] * [[guide:ticket_system|Ticket System]] \\ ===== FAQ & ispCP Troubleshooting ===== * [[Frequently Asked Questions]] * [[troubleshooting]] \\ ===== HowTo & Contrib Area ===== * [[howto|HowTo's]] * [[scripts|Community Scripts]] * [[thirdparty|Third Party Software]] \\ ===== ispCP Frontend Plugin API ===== * [[api:about|About the API]] * [[api:samples|Code Samples]] \\ ===== Development ===== * [[dev:PHP Coding Style]] * [[dev:Perl Coding Style]] * [[dev:functions|Functions, Classes and Libs]] * [[dev:Translate]] * [[dev:Make a Patch]] * [[dev:Filestructure|Filestructure]] * [[dev:Daemon commands (CLI)]] * [[dev:Daemon Protocol]] * [[dev:process|Processes]] * [[dev:Using SVN]] * [[dev:GSoC2010:ideas|Google Summer of Code 2010 - Ideas page]] \\ ===== ispCP Organisation ===== * [[org:documents|Documents]] \\