====== ispCP ω (OMEGA) HowTo Install for Fedora Core 9 ====== ====== 1. Version Info ====== ^ispCP Version |1.0.6 | ^INSTALL Script|1.4 | ^Maintainer |ispCP DevTeam | ^Linux Distros |Fedora Core 9 | ^Last Update |04.08.2010 | \\ ====== 2. Requirements ====== There is no must have for a system using ispCP ω. This is only a recommendation:\\ \\ Pentium III or K6-4 with 500 MHz\\ 512 MB RAM\\ 100 MB disk space (only for install of ispCP ω)\\ Debian (or even any other *NIX-Distribution)\\ \\ All required packages are listed in ./docs/fedora-packages \\ ====== 4. Installation ====== Make sure you are logged in as root and MySQL is running. ===== 4.1 Untar or unzip the distribution files to a secure directory: ===== # cd /root # tar xjvf ispcp-omega-1.0.6.tar.bz2 \\ ===== 4.2 Change to the newly created directory: ===== # cd ./ispcp-omega-1.0.6 \\ ===== 4.3 Install the required modules from 'fedora-packages' ===== # wget http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/ARCH/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm # rpm -Uvh epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm # yum install `cat ./docs/Fedora/fedora-packages` \\ # cpan2rpm -i http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PH/PHOENIX/Term-ReadPassword-0.07.tar.gz # wget -P /tmp/core http://hany.sk/mirror/fedora/releases/7/Everything/i386/os/Fedora/perl-Net-LibIDN-0.09-3.fc7.i386.rpm # rpm -i /tmp/core/perl-Net-LibIDN-0.09-3.fc7.i386.rpm ===== 4.4 (optional) ===== Check the ispcp.conf and adapt it to your requirements. \\ ===== 4.5 Install Courier ===== # cp -f ./courier*.rpm /usr/local/ # cd /usr/local/ \\ # wget http://www.thatfleminggent.com/packages/fedora/7/i386/courier-authlib-0.59.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm # wget http://www.thatfleminggent.com/packages/fedora/7/i386/courier-authlib-userdb-0.59.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm # wget http://www.thatfleminggent.com/packages/fedora/7/i386/courier-imap-4.1.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm \\ # rpm -i courier-authlib-0.59.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm # rpm -i courier-authlib-userdb-0.59.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm # rpm -i courier-imap-4.1.3-1.fc7.mf.i386.rpm \\ Create group and user with 3000 UID so ispCP doesn't cause conflicts with user # groupadd courier -g 3000 # useradd -u 3000 -c 'Courier Mail Server' -d /dev/null -g courier -s /bin/false courier \\ ===== 4.6 Build the System by using make: ===== # make -f Makefile.fedora install \\ ===== 4.7 Copy all the directories into your system (you may make backups) ===== # cp -RLf /tmp/ispcp/* / # cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/ # ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d /etc/init.d \\ # mkdir /var/mail/virtual \\ ===== 4.8 Bind setup ===== # mv /var/named/data /var/named/data2 # ln -s /var/named/chroot/var/named/data /var/named/data \\ # mkdir /var/www/scoreboards \\ create sasl2 database: # touch /etc/sasldb2 \\ ===== 4.9 Additional apache setup ===== # echo 'include vhosts/*.conf' >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \\ # mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/etc # cp /etc/sasldb2 /var/spool/postfix/etc/sasldb2 \\ # chown apache:apache /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/webmail/data \\ ===== 4.10 Now it's time to set up the frontend. Change into the engine directory: ===== # cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup \\ ===== 4.10a. Set the MySQL password, if not set: ===== # mysqladmin -u root password YOUR_PASSWORD \\ ===== 4.11 Start the engine setup: ===== # perl ispcp-setup **(Be careful: the file /etc/named.conf must exist before you run the script. Otherwise setup will failed on trying to backup it! You can use the caching-nameserver package or the system-config-bind tool for create it or you can use touch!)** \\ ===== 4.12 Install ispCP ω step-by-step ===== If you get no error, all went good; if you get one, look at http://isp-control.net to solve the problem. \\ ===== 4.13 Modify some system values: ===== # chmod 777 /var/www/ispcp/gui/phptmp \\ Install Daemon: # chmod +x /etc/init.d/ispcp # chkconfig --add ispcp # service ispcp start \\ ===== 4.14 Clean the temporary folders: ===== # rm -R /tmp/ispcp