Table of Contents


Version Info

ispCP Version 1.0.7 RC1
INSTALL Script2.6
Maintainer ispCP DevTeam
Linux Distros Debian Lenny, Squeeze
Last Update 04.10.2010


Before you consider installing ispCP make sure you cared about the following issues:


<fc #FF0000>Your Server has to be configured to use a resolvable fully qualified domain name. Here can you find hoster specific information how to do so.</fc>

The Installation

Make sure you are logged in with an user that has root privileges.

STEP 1 - Download & Extract the distribution files

If not installed on your System, please install “aptitude” via:

# apt-get install aptitude

# aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade
# aptitude install tar bzip2 wget lsb-release
# mkdir -p /usr/local/src/ispcp
# cd /usr/local/src/ispcp

Download your Copy of ispCP from with wget

Untar the File: (REPLACE .X.X with your downloaded Version)

# tar -xvf ispcp-omega-1.X.X.tar.bz2

STEP 2 - Change to the ispcp directory

(REPLACE .X.X with your downloaded Version)

# cd ispcp-omega-1.X.X

STEP 3 - Install the required packages

Make sure that the non-free repository is present in your /etc/apt/sources.list like in the following example. When the non-free repository is not available on your system, all-important packages will be missing.

 # stable
 deb            lenny          main contrib non-free
 deb                 lenny/updates  main contrib non-free

Now install the nescessary packages using aptitude:

# aptitude update
# aptitude safe-upgrade
# aptitude install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-`lsb_release -cs`)

When you get to the “courier screen” select no to web directories.

When you get to the “postfix screen” select internet site
If your debian setup is correct your domain should already be displayed on the screen. If not, enter the domain without the 'www.' portion (i.e.

Select no when you are asked if you would like to create directories for web-based administration

When you get to the proftpd screen, select standalone

STEP 4 - Build the system

# make install

STEP 5 - Copy all the directories into the system

We recommand you to make a backup of your current system state.

# cp -R /tmp/ispcp/* /

STEP 6 - Configure MySQL server

Change or create MySQL root password, remove anonymous users, disallow root login remotely, remove test database (and access to it), reload privilege tables.

# mysql_secure_installation

NOTE: DON'T USE @ or $ or % in your Password!!!

STEP 7 - Setup the system

Change into the engine/setup directory:

# cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup

All questions should be self-explanatory. Anyway if you don't know what to answer to a specific question don't hesitate to ask the community at the ispCP Forum.

# perl ./ispcp-setup

STEP 8 - Clean the temp directory

# rm -fR /tmp/ispcp

Download languagepackage if u need other than english and install it with ispCP-Admin-Panel.

STEP 9 - That's it!

NOTE:After Installation, please check your proftpd.conf and disable IP6 Support!!!

You can now access ispCP with your preferred browser by typing the admin address you specified during the installation process.


When you are not able to access the control panel something really went wrong. Doublecheck that you have not missed any step of this installation guide you may consider asking in the ispCP Forum for help.