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Key Generation Error - Printable Version

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Key Generation Error - blong4life - 10-23-2007 11:42 AM


I am trying to install ispCP on my webserver, I have been at it for over 5 hours now (wayyy overkill) and I keep getting the same error.

copy from gen-keys(elf32-i386) to sts9FtMJ(elf32-i386)
chown root:root ./ ./gen-keys
chmod 0700 ./ ./gen-keys
./ /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0/var/www/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0/var/www/ispcp/engine/ /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0/var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...
not good pair (|sEKA^avg\MaqLSbd(1D>w|\c6]%S#7\, |sEKA^av). generating new...

Not sure what this is being caused from, but it sure is annoying.

CentOS 4.5
PHP 5.2.4
Apache 2.0.61
Perl 5.8.5

Thanks, for anybody who helps.

RE: Key Generation Error - BeNe - 10-23-2007 03:43 PM

Maybe this has something todo with /dev/random.
Looks like the generated entropy is not good or always the same ? Rolleyes
Could that be ? Not really or ?
Never had such porblem. Sw1fty is also using CentOS maybe he know something more.

Greez BeNe

RE: Key Generation Error - joximu - 10-23-2007 05:45 PM

while I was testing the two ubuntu serrver I also had to wait for the key generator - it worked but took a long time. It's an old PC (Athlon XP 2000 or sth around this) and it took more than an hour - several times (during "make", beginning of setup, during setup for the auto passwords) - since the machine was just setup for ispcp there was not much entropy...
At least the wait at the beginning of ispcp-setup was not commented...


RE: Key Generation Error - BeNe - 10-23-2007 05:56 PM

Did you try BreakiĀ“s script for this Problem ?

Greez BeNe

RE: Key Generation Error - joximu - 10-23-2007 06:22 PM

no - not on this computer (I checked the one liner on my work pc - it's great!).

I'll try it the next time - maybe we could integrate it...


RE: Key Generation Error - BeNe - 10-23-2007 06:41 PM

Quote:I'll try it the next time - maybe we could integrate it...
Yes so that this script runs before the ispcp-setup.

Greez BeNe

RE: Key Generation Error - raphael - 10-24-2007 12:57 AM

please use latest trunk; now nothing of that kind is being done at make-time.
And, now when a not desired character is found it is simply dropped instead of dropping the whole key.

RE: Key Generation Error - blong4life - 10-24-2007 05:40 AM

I used the latest trunk (nightly version), and on install I get:

ERROR: External command '/bin/cp -p /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/fastcgi_ispcp.conf.ispcp /etc/httpd/conf.d/mods-available/fastcgi_ispcp.conf' returned '1' status !

RE: Key Generation Error - joximu - 10-24-2007 07:09 AM

blong4life Wrote:I used the latest trunk (nightly version), and on install I get:

ERROR: External command '/bin/cp -p /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/fastcgi_ispcp.conf.ispcp /etc/httpd/conf.d/mods-available/fastcgi_ispcp.conf' returned '1' status !

which OS, during which step of installation?


RE: Key Generation Error - blong4life - 10-24-2007 07:58 AM

As per to my first post:

CentOS 4.5
PHP 5.2.4
Apache 2.0.61
Perl 5.8.5

The "./ispcp-setup" step.