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Internal Server Error after installinf ispCP - Printable Version

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RE: Internal Server Error after installinf ispCP - abuzaind - 02-02-2008 08:19 AM

I use apache from the same repository on another server with DirectAdmin. And it's working great. However, php5 is enabled there as apache module. I think the only problem is in setting worker up, so it allows to start apache.

RE: Internal Server Error after installinf ispCP - joximu - 02-02-2008 08:43 AM

apache_mpm_worker is thought to use with fastcgi-php
if you use mod-php, then the mpm-module for apache is the prefork!


RE: Internal Server Error after installinf ispCP - abuzaind - 02-02-2008 09:04 AM

i meant apache_mpm_worker, not prefork. but in another my ( Wink ) topic you said about low system resources. so i guess i won't be able to effectively ispCP on this VPS at all. i really forgot that i didn't use systems with memory less then 1 gb with VHCS and ispCP, so I didn't have any troubles before.

thanks for you time you devoted to me. i really appreciate the help you provided me. +1 to your reputation.

RE: Internal Server Error after installinf ispCP - joximu - 02-02-2008 09:33 AM

Thanx abuzaind
I'm not sure if we did understand each other.
Either you use php with fastcgi and apache-mpm-worker (preferred with ispcp but maybe not the best for really low systems) or you use apache-mod-php but then with the mpm-prefork module (as mod-php is not thread safe - I read somewhere).

The reason why fastcgi is not working in your system (Post #3 here above) are the permission settings:
every vhost has it's own user (vu2000 is for the ispcp itself, vu2001 for the first domain user etc) and every file and also the starter files (the folders in /var/www/fcgi/...) have to have the right ownership and permission settings.

If you follow the installation docu it should be ok
