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ProFTPd Problems [RESOLVED] - Printable Version

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RE: ProFTPd Problems - kilburn - 05-16-2008 05:25 AM

Quote:# ispCP SQL Managment
SQLBackend mysql
SQLAuthTypes Crypt
SQLAuthenticate on
SQLConnectInfo ispcp@localhost vftp password-copied-from-ispcp.conf
SQLUserInfo ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
SQLGroupInfo ftp_group groupname gid members
SQLMinID 2000

This "password-copies-from-ispcp.conf" is a manual replacement from you? The password for the vftp user should NOT be the same as the one for the ispcp user (and it isn't stored in the ispcp.conf file), so please check if you can connect using the vftp credentials:
mysql -uvftp -ppassword -hlocalhost ispcp

RE: ProFTPd Problems - Haeber - 05-16-2008 05:43 AM

Great thankyou for this help.

I've changed the password for the user vftp via mysql (phpMyAdmin), and added this password as cleartext into the proftpd.conf file. Now proFTPd works as it should. Great thanks.

Is it O.K. to change this password manually, 'cause often ispcp overwrites configs? Do I have to change any isp-config file so I don't have to be afraid that ispcp overwrites this password the next time?

RE: ProFTPd Problems - RatS - 05-16-2008 06:31 AM

no this file will not get overwritten.

RE: ProFTPd Problems - Haeber - 05-16-2008 07:10 AM

RatS Wrote:no this file will not get overwritten.
This is appeasing. One main part of the [now fixed] problem of this thread was, that I had thougt that the password in proftpd.conf is crypted like the one in the ispcp.conf, 'cause the automatically created password looks like a crypted one. But it was an cleartext password.