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How is FastCGI supposed to work? - Printable Version

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RE: How is FastCGI supposed to work? - MrMarv - 06-20-2008 04:54 PM


blocker Wrote:[...]
could you tell us where is fastcgi-Ispcp.conf ? it should be in apache22/extra dir, and yes it had to be manually included in httpd.conf after put # in load php module. since by default it will be run without fastcgi

Youre right. fastcgi-ispcop.conf was in the apache22/extra dir. I copied it into apache22/Include which is recursively included.
I also deactivated mod_php5 which was compiled and included as I made php5 from source. The 'freebsd-packages' lists says that the apache module should be created:

Quote:PHP =-=-=-= PHP PACKAGE =-=-=-=
x apache Build Apache module
x suhosin
+ fastcgi

Might this be wrong or do we need this anyway?

However, i deactivated it.


RE: How is FastCGI supposed to work? - nikih - 12-26-2008 06:22 PM

I have the same problem after reinstalling the whole system :-(
I do have fastcgi_ispcp.conf and fcgid_ispcp.conf in mods-available/ but I cannot include them in mods_enabled since there are no .load files.
I just saw that I am missing fastcgi.* and fcgid.* if that matters at all. But the problem is that a have the ugly Warning: session_start() messages and actually the system is not working at all because of that.

Any Ideas?
Thank You!