RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - Wolfi2001 - 12-02-2009 04:59 PM
hmm also geht auch leider net habe die ganze zeile weg gemacht
open_basedir = "/var/www/virtual/"
; This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons.
; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. This directive is
; *NOT* affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.
dise zeile hatte ich ganz weg
disable_functions = show_source, system, , passthru, exec, phpinfo, shell, symlink, popen, proc_open
Aber komt genau das gleich
ich wei nichst mer weiter
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - TheCry - 12-02-2009 05:11 PM
Welche php.ini hast Du den editiert?
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - Wolfi2001 - 12-02-2009 05:14 PM
na die von
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - TheCry - 12-02-2009 05:23 PM
Die Funktion "debug" ist soll eine PHP-Funktion sein...
Das hat auch nix mit shell_exec zu tun...
Der Befehl 2 Zeilen vorher sollte funktionieren.
Da nirgends diese Funtkion in dem Script auftaucht und ich auch nicht den Inhalt der "" kenne, würde ich mal sagen das diese Funktion niergends existiert!
Einfach ein "//" vor die Zeile debaug und noch einmal testen.
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - Wolfi2001 - 12-02-2009 05:29 PM
hmm auch net immer noch das gleich
- Checking PHP version...5.2.6-1+lenny4 (Required: PHP 5.0 or newer)
- Checking PHP safe mode...Off (Required: Safe mode off)
- Checking PHP MySQL...OK (Required: PHP MySQL extension)
- Checking PHP cURL...OK (Required: PHP cURL extension)
- Checking MySQL version...
Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() in /var/www/virtual/ on line 152
ich gebe auf das ist doch zum graue hare zu bekommen
hat das was mit der instll.php zu tuhn
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - TheCry - 12-02-2009 05:37 PM
Man muss nur das richtige machen, dann klappt es auch...
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - Wolfi2001 - 12-02-2009 07:47 PM
nun komt das bei raus
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in /var/www/virtual/ on line 773
Na ja ich bin doch net Blond aber irgent wie will das net egal was ich mache
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - TheCry - 12-02-2009 07:49 PM
Poste mal die komplette install.php im Code-Tag.
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - WuChEn - 12-02-2009 08:14 PM
(12-02-2009 07:49 PM)TheCry Wrote: Poste mal die komplette install.php im Code-Tag.
Also ich hab es zum testen einfach mal bei mir installiert, nachdem ich die shell_exec aktiviert habe ging alles reibungslos.
// MySQL version
echo "<p>- Checking MySQL version...";
if ($safemode == 1) {
echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Unable to check with PHP safe mode on</span></p>";
} else {
$mysql = explode(" ", shell_exec("mysqladmin --version \n"));
$mysql = rtrim($mysql[5], ",");
if (version_compare($mysql, '4.1', '<')) {
$failed = 1;
$class = "bad";
$directions .= "<p> - Install/upgrade MySQL server to version 4.1 or later</p>\n";
} else {
$class = "good";
echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$mysql."</strong> (Required: MySQL 4.1 or newer)</span></p>";
Bei ihm macht die Zeile:
wohl Probleme.
Daher nochmal die ganze install.php:
PHP Code:
<? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*SMI - SHOUTcast Management Interface A web based shoutcast server management program Founding Author: Scott D. Harvanek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>SMI Setup</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!--
function chatPop(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); var centerWidth = (window.screen.width - 400) / 2; var centerHeight = (window.screen.height - 100) / 2; parseInt(centerHeight); parseInt(centerWidth); eval("page"+id+" =, '"+id+"', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=400,height=100,left="+centerWidth+",top="+centerHeight+"'); "); }
//--> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../include/smi.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="../imgs/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <center> <img src="../imgs/smi-logo.jpg"> <br> <br>
<!-- HEADER TABLE --> <table class="login" width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong><big><a href="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">SMI - installation</a></big></strong><br> <? echo "Host: ".php_uname("n")." (".php_uname("s").")\n"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
<!-- CONTENT TABLE --> <table class="login" width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="left"> <td align="left">
<? require('../include/'); /* Determine installation step */ if(!isset($_POST['step'])) { require_once('../include/config.php'); /* Step 1: Determine if prerequisites are met */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions echo "<strong>STEP 1: CHECKING PREREQUISITES...</strong><br>\n";
// PHP version echo "<p>- Checking PHP version..."; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $directions = "<p>- Upgrade your PHP installation and restart web server</p>\n"; } else { $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".phpversion()."</strong> (Required: PHP 5.0 or newer)</span></p>";
// PHP safe mode echo "<p>- Checking PHP safe mode..."; $safemode = ini_get('safe_mode'); if ($safemode == 1) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "On"; $directions .= "<p>- Edit ".php_ini_loaded_file()." and set <i>safe_mode = Off</i></p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "Off"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: Safe mode off)</span></p>";
// PHP MySQL extension echo "<p>- Checking PHP MySQL..."; if (!in_array("mysql", get_loaded_extensions()) && !in_array("mysqli", get_loaded_extensions())) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "missing"; $directions .= "<p>- Install the <i>php-mysql</i> extension and restart web server</p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: PHP MySQL extension)</span></p>";
// PHP cURL extension echo "<p>- Checking PHP cURL..."; if (!in_array("curl", get_loaded_extensions())) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "missing"; $directions .= "<p>- Activate the <i>cURL</i> extension and restart web server</p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: PHP cURL extension)</span></p>";
// MySQL version echo "<p>- Checking MySQL version..."; if ($safemode == 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Unable to check with PHP safe mode on</span></p>"; } else { $mysql = explode(" ", shell_exec("mysqladmin --version \n")); $mysql = rtrim($mysql[5], ","); debug($mysql); if (version_compare($mysql, '4.1', '<')) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $directions .= "<p> - Install/upgrade MySQL server to version 4.1 or later</p>\n"; } else { $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$mysql."</strong> (Required: MySQL 4.1 or newer)</span></p>"; }
// Optional features checking goes here... echo "<strong>OPTIONAL FEATURES:</strong><br>\n";
// MRTG presence echo "<p>- Checking for MRTG..."; if ($safemode == 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Unable to check with PHP safe mode on</span></p>"; } else { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") { // Try executing mrtg in Windows. $mrtg = shell_exec("start /b wperl ".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/mrtg/bin/mrtg"); } else { // Try to execute the mrtg command on Linux. Trap any STDERR from going to STDOUT $mrtg = `mrtg 2>&1`; } // See if we find something familiar from MRTG, fail if not if (stristr($mrtg, "Oetiker")) { $mrtgver = explode("-", str_replace(" ", "", $mrtg)); $tmpstr = $mrtgver[2]; $class = "good"; } else { $class = "miss"; $tmpstr = "not found (optional)"; $directions .= "<p>- Install MRTG if you want to use graphical stats</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required for stats)</span></p>"; }
echo "<p> </p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<strong>To make your server ready for SMI...</strong>"; echo $directions; echo "<strong>...and then click <big><a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">here</a></big> to reload this page.</strong>"; } else { echo "<center><strong>Your server is ready to install SMI!</strong>"; ?> <p> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <input type="submit" name="step" value="Step 2 >>"> </form> ( File permissions ) </p> </center> <? } } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 2 >>" || $_POST['step'] == "Reload2") {
/* Step 2: Check file permissions */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); // Get pathname of this script $root_path = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); // Parent dir is the root path of SMI
echo "<strong>STEP 2: CHECKING FILE PERMISSIONS...</strong><br>\n";
// MRTG working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>mrtg</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../mrtg")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions = "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/mrtg</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// PLAYLISTS working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>playlists</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../playlists")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/playlists</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// ICES working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>ices</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../ices")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/ices</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// SERVERS working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>servers</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../servers")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/servers</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// CONFIG.PHP configuration file echo "<p>- file <strong>config.php</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../include/config.php")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set file <I>".$root_path."/include/config.php</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
?> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <? echo "<p> </p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<strong>To proceed with installation...</strong>"; echo $directions; echo "<strong>...and then click below to reload this page.</strong>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Reload\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload2\">\n"; } else { echo "<center><strong>All file and directory permissions OK!</strong>"; echo "<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"step\" value=\"Step 3 >>\">\n"; echo "<br>( MySQL server configuration )\n"; } ?> </form><br> </p> </center> <? } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Finish!") {
/* Get config values via form */ $createdb = $_POST['createdb']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password'];
$db = dbConnect(); // Do general settings $settings = groupsettings("1"); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $condition = array('setting' => $setting['setting']); $update = array('value' => $_POST[$setting['setting']]); $db->update('config', $update, $condition); }
// Update superuser name and password from form $update = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'password' => md5($_POST['password'])); $db->update('members', $update, array('user_id' => 1));
if (iswin()) { echo "<p>IMPORTANT! For SMI to run properly under Windows, the registry changes as listed "; echo "in the file <strong>pstools.reg</strong> within the <i>wintools</i> directory must be made.</p>"; $sc_serv = $_POST['smi_path'].'/shoutcast/1.9.8-Windows/sc_serv.exe'; } else { $sc_serv = $_POST['smi_path'].'/shoutcast/1.9.8-Linux/sc_serv'; } // A qualified guess of which sc_serv binary to use $db->update('config', array('value' => $sc_serv), array('setting' => 'sc_serv'));
echo "<br><p><div class=\"check_good\">Installation complete, if you need AutoDJ capabilities and bitrate checking please follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt in the /install/ folder!</div>"; echo "<br><br><div class=\"check_bad\">IMPORTANT! Delete or rename /install/install.php!</div>"; echo "<p>Then click <strong><a href=\"../\">here</a></strong> to login and administrate your SMI installation.</p>";
} elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 3 >>" || substr($_POST['step'], 0, 7) == "Reload3") {
/* Step 3: MySQL server setup */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); // Get pathname of this script $root_path = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); // Parent dir is the root path of SMI
echo "<strong>STEP 3: MYSQL SERVER CONFIGURATION...</strong><br>\n";
// Check to see if we are fresh on step 3 or retrying if ($_POST['step'] == "Step 3 >>") { require ('../include/config.php'); } else if (substr($_POST['step'], 0, 7) == "Reload3") { $dbhost = $_POST['databasehost']; $dbport = $_POST['databaseport']; } ?>
<form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Database server connection</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Host</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databasehost" type="text" id="databasehost" value="<? echo $dbhost; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Port</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databaseport" type="text" id="databaseport" value="<? echo $dbport; ?>"></td> </tr> </table> <? echo "- Testing MySQL server connection...";
// Check if host is entered as an IP adress $ip = false; if(preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/",$dbhost)) { $parts=explode(".",$dbhost); foreach($parts as $ip_parts) { if(intval($ip_parts) > 255 || intval($ip_parts) < 0) { // Segment not in 0-255 range, most likely a hostname $ip = false; break; } $ip = true; } } else { $ip = false; // Format does not match that of an ip address }
// If host is entered as a hostname, try to resolve if (!$ip) { $hostip = gethostbyname($dbhost); } else { $hostip = $dbhost; }
// If resolving failed, $hostip will just be the same as $dbhost if ($ip == false && $hostip == $dbhost) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = "DNS error"; $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Use a valid hostname for the MySQL server"; } else { $fp = fsockopen($hostip, $dbport, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = $errstr; $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Check that the MySQL server daemon is started<br>- Check that database hostname and port info is correct"; } else { fclose($fp); $failed = 0; $tmpstr = "Connection OK"; $class = "good"; } } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br><p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong><br>"; echo $directions; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to retry connecting.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload33\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; }
// If this is a retry, use form values instead of those from config.php if (substr($_POST['step'],0,9) == "Reload333") { $dbname = $_POST['database']; $dbuser = $_POST['databaseusername']; $dbpass = $_POST['databasepassword']; } else { require_once('../include/config.php'); } ?> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Database name and authentication</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Database</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="database" type="text" id="database" value="<? echo $dbname; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Username</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databaseusername" type="text" id="databaseusername" value="<? echo $dbuser; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Password</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databasepassword" type="password" id="databasepassword" value="<? echo $dbpass; ?>"></td> </tr> <!-- remove test button - test directly in script (FIXME: delete these lines when working) <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <button onclick="chatPop('./dbtest.php?host='+document.installform.databasehost.value+'&uname='+document.installform.databaseusername.value+'&database='+document.installform.database.value+'&dbpass='+document.installform.databasepassword.value+''); return false;">Test</button> </td> </tr> --> </table> <? echo "- Testing authentication..."; $link = mysql_connect(gethostbyname($dbhost).":".$dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass); if (!$link) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = mysql_error(); $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Check that the user is created in MySQL with correct password (case sensitive)"; } else { $failed = 0; $tmpstr = "OK"; $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br>";
if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong><br>"; echo $directions; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to retry connecting.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload333\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; }
// Check database access and privileges echo "- Testing access..."; $dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $link); if ($dbselect) { $failed = 0; $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br>"; echo "- Testing CREATE TABLE..."; // Do a DROP IF EXISTS to clean up earlier attempts, and for now ignore if it works mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `installtest`"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE `installtest` (`test` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`test`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1"; if (mysql_query($sql)) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing INSERT..."; if (mysql_query("INSERT INTO installtest (test) VALUES ('test')")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing UPDATE..."; if (mysql_query("UPDATE installtest SET test = 'newtest'")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; } echo "- Testing SELECT..."; if (mysql_query("SELECT * FROM installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing DELETE..."; if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing ALTER TABLE..."; if (mysql_query("ALTER TABLE installtest ADD COLUMN column2 varchar(200) NOT NULL default 'new column'")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing DROP TABLE..."; if (mysql_query("DROP TABLE installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
} else { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = mysql_error(); $class = "bad"; } if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong>"; echo "<br>- Grant user <i>".$dbuser."</i> SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER and DROP access privileges on database <i>".$dbname."</i>"; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to recheck.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload333\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; } $config_file = file_get_contents('../include/config.php');
// Use perl style regular expressions to replace what is actually in the config file values $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbhost.*=.*".*";/', '$dbhost = "'.$dbhost.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbport.*=.*".*";/', '$dbport = "'.$dbport.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbuser.*=.*".*";/', '$dbuser = "'.$dbuser.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbpass.*=.*".*";/', '$dbpass = "'.$dbpass.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbname.*=.*".*";/', '$dbname = "'.$dbname.'";', $config_file);
$config = file_put_contents('../include/config.php', $config_file); ?> <center> <span class=\"check_good\"><i>( config.php was updated successfully )</i></span> <p><input type="submit" name="step" value="Step 4 >>"> </form><br> ( Database settings ) </p> </center> <? } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 4 >>" || $_POST['step'] == "Select") { /* Step 4: Database and settings */ echo "<strong>STEP 4: DATABASE SETTINGS...</strong><br>\n"; ?> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Config and database tables</strong> </td> </tr> </table>
<? // Include config.php with correct db info for table creation require('../include/config.php');
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); mysql_select_db($dbname); // Check for tables in database echo "<p>- Database content...";
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES;"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($numrows < 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Empty</span></p>"; // Create the database tables echo "<p>- Recreating all tables..."; shell_exec('mysql -u'.$dbuser.' -p'.$dbpass.' '.$dbname.' < create.sql'); echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Success!</span></p>";
// If tables found and we have not chosen already, decide wether to recreate or not } elseif ($_POST['step'] != "Select") { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">tables exist. Choose action:</span>"; ?> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <div align="left"> <select name="createdb"> <option value="yes">Recreate database tables (all old data will be lost)</option> <option value="no" selected>Leave database as it is (no action)</option> </select> </div> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <input type="submit" name="step" value="Select"> <td> </tr> </table> </form></p> <? exit;
// We are called from the form and have made our choice } else { $createdb = $_POST['createdb'];
// We chose to keep database untouched, hope for the best and proceed if ($createdb == "no") { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Keep tables</span></p>";
// We chose to recreate the tables } else { echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Recreate tables</span></p>"; // Create the database echo "<p>- Recreating all tables..."; shell_exec('mysql -u'.$dbuser.' -p'.$dbpass.' '.$dbname.' < create.sql'); echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Success!</span><p>"; } }
// Tables are now either kept from before, or recreated ?> <p><hr noshade height="1"></p> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <input type="hidden" name="createdb" value="<? echo $createdb; ?>"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>SMI superuser account</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Username</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="username" type="text" id="username" value="admin"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Password</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="password" type="password" id="password" value="admin"></td> </tr> </table>
<p><hr noshade height="1"></p>
<table width="60%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"><strong>General settings</strong></td> </tr>
<? // Create a form with the general settings (category 1) $db = dbConnect(); $settings = groupsettings('1'); foreach ($settings as $setting) {
// Find first time values if ($setting['setting'] == "web_addr") { $setting['value'] = "http://".str_replace('/install/install.php', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); } elseif ($setting['setting'] == "smi_path") { $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $setting['value'] = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); } elseif ($setting['setting'] == "host_addr") { $setting['value'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; } // Create to avoid breaks in setting's title $setting['title'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $setting['title']) ?> <tr align="center"> <td><? echo $setting['title']; ?></strong></td> <td>:</td> <td align="left"> <? // Check to see if this is a multiple choice setting $options = settingoptions($setting['id']); if (isset($options)) { echo "<select name=\"".$setting['setting']."\">\n"; foreach ($options as $option) { echo "<option value=\"".$option['value']."\""; if ($option['value'] == $setting['value']) { echo " selected>"; } else { echo ">"; } echo $option['caption']."</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } else { if (strlen($setting['value']) < 8) { $fieldsize = "10"; } else { $fieldsize = "25"; } echo "<input class=\"input\" name=\"".$setting['setting']."\" value=\"".$setting['value']."\" size=\"".$fieldsize."\">\n"; } ?> </tr> <? } ?> </table>
<center><input type="submit" name="step" value="Finish!"></center> </form>
<? } ?> <div align="center"> <p> </p> </div> </body> </html>
Gruß WU
RE: Fatal error: Call to undefined function debug() - Wolfi2001 - 12-02-2009 08:36 PM
hir mal die komplette install.php
PHP Code:
<? //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*SMI - SHOUTcast Management Interface A web based shoutcast server management program Founding Author: Scott D. Harvanek <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>SMI Setup</title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!--
function chatPop(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); var centerWidth = (window.screen.width - 400) / 2; var centerHeight = (window.screen.height - 100) / 2; parseInt(centerHeight); parseInt(centerWidth); eval("page"+id+" =, '"+id+"', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width= ?400,height=100,left="+centerWidth+",top="+centerHeight+"'); "); }
//--> </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../include/smi.css"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="../imgs/favicon.ico"> </head> <body> <center> <img src="../imgs/smi-logo.jpg"> <br> <br>
<!-- HEADER TABLE --> <table class="login" width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong><big><a href="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">SMI - installation</a></big></strong><br> <? echo "Host: ".php_uname("n")." (".php_uname("s").")\n"; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
<!-- CONTENT TABLE --> <table class="login" width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td align="center"> <table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="left"> <td align="left">
<? require('../include/'); /* Determine installation step */ if(!isset($_POST['step'])) { require_once('../include/config.php'); /* Step 1: Determine if prerequisites are met */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions echo "<strong>STEP 1: CHECKING PREREQUISITES...</strong><br>\n";
// PHP version echo "<p>- Checking PHP version..."; if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '<')) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $directions = "<p>- Upgrade your PHP installation and restart web server</p>\n"; } else { $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".phpversion()."</strong> (Required: PHP 5.0 or newer)</span></p>";
// PHP safe mode echo "<p>- Checking PHP safe mode..."; $safemode = ini_get('safe_mode'); if ($safemode == 1) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "On"; $directions .= "<p>- Edit ".php_ini_loaded_file()." and set <i>safe_mode = Off</i></p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "Off"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: Safe mode off)</span></p>";
// PHP MySQL extension echo "<p>- Checking PHP MySQL..."; if (!in_array("mysql", get_loaded_extensions()) && !in_array("mysqli", get_loaded_extensions())) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "missing"; $directions .= "<p>- Install the <i>php-mysql</i> extension and restart web server</p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: PHP MySQL extension)</span></p>";
// PHP cURL extension echo "<p>- Checking PHP cURL..."; if (!in_array("curl", get_loaded_extensions())) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "missing"; $directions .= "<p>- Activate the <i>cURL</i> extension and restart web server</p>"; } else { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: PHP cURL extension)</span></p>";
// MySQL version echo "<p>- Checking MySQL version..."; if ($safemode == 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Unable to check with PHP safe mode on</span></p>"; } else { $mysql = explode(" ", shell_exec("mysqladmin --version \n")); $mysql = rtrim($mysql[5], ","); debug($mysql); if (version_compare($mysql, '4.1', '<')) { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $directions .= "<p> - Install/upgrade MySQL server to version 4.1 or later</p>\n"; } else { $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$mysql."</strong> (Required: MySQL 4.1 or newer)</span></p>"; }
// Optional features checking goes here... echo "<strong>OPTIONAL FEATURES:</strong><br>\n";
// MRTG presence echo "<p>- Checking for MRTG..."; if ($safemode == 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Unable to check with PHP safe mode on</span></p>"; } else { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == "WIN") { // Try executing mrtg in Windows. $mrtg = shell_exec("start /b wperl ".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/mrtg/bin/mrtg"); } else { // Try to execute the mrtg command on Linux. Trap any STDERR from going to STDOUT $mrtg = `mrtg 2>&1`; } // See if we find something familiar from MRTG, fail if not if (stristr($mrtg, "Oetiker")) { $mrtgver = explode("-", str_replace(" ", "", $mrtg)); $tmpstr = $mrtgver[2]; $class = "good"; } else { $class = "miss"; $tmpstr = "not found (optional)"; $directions .= "<p>- Install MRTG if you want to use graphical stats</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required for stats)</span></p>"; }
echo "<p> </p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<strong>To make your server ready for SMI...</strong>"; echo $directions; echo "<strong>...and then click <big><a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].">here</a></big> to reload this page.</strong>"; } else { echo "<center><strong>Your server is ready to install SMI!</strong>"; ?> <p> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <input type="submit" name="step" value="Step 2 >>"> </form> ( File permissions ) </p> </center> <? } } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 2 >>" || $_POST['step'] == "Reload2") {
/* Step 2: Check file permissions */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); // Get pathname of this script $root_path = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); // Parent dir is the root path of SMI
echo "<strong>STEP 2: CHECKING FILE PERMISSIONS...</strong><br>\n";
// MRTG working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>mrtg</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../mrtg")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions = "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/mrtg</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// PLAYLISTS working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>playlists</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../playlists")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/playlists</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// ICES working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>ices</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../ices")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/ices</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// SERVERS working directory echo "<p>- directory <strong>servers</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../servers")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set directory <I>".$root_path."/servers</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
// CONFIG.PHP configuration file echo "<p>- file <strong>config.php</strong>..."; if (is_writeable("../include/config.php")) { $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "writable"; } else { $failed = 1; $class = "bad"; $tmpstr = "failed"; $directions .= "<p>- Set file <I>".$root_path."/include/config.php</I> writable</p>\n"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong> (Required: read/write access)</span></p>\n";
?> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <? echo "<p> </p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<strong>To proceed with installation...</strong>"; echo $directions; echo "<strong>...and then click below to reload this page.</strong>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Reload\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload2\">\n"; } else { echo "<center><strong>All file and directory permissions OK!</strong>"; echo "<p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"step\" value=\"Step 3 >>\">\n"; echo "<br>( MySQL server configuration )\n"; } ?> </form><br> </p> </center> <? } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Finish!") {
/* Get config values via form */ $createdb = $_POST['createdb']; $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password'];
$db = dbConnect(); // Do general settings $settings = groupsettings("1"); foreach ($settings as $setting) { $condition = array('setting' => $setting['setting']); $update = array('value' => $_POST[$setting['setting']]); $db->update('config', $update, $condition); }
// Update superuser name and password from form $update = array('username' => $_POST['username'], 'password' => md5($_POST['password'])); $db->update('members', $update, array('user_id' => 1));
if (iswin()) { echo "<p>IMPORTANT! For SMI to run properly under Windows, the registry changes as listed "; echo "in the file <strong>pstools.reg</strong> within the <i>wintools</i> directory must be made.</p>"; $sc_serv = $_POST['smi_path'].'/shoutcast/1.9.8-Windows/sc_serv.exe'; } else { $sc_serv = $_POST['smi_path'].'/shoutcast/1.9.8-Linux/sc_serv'; } // A qualified guess of which sc_serv binary to use $db->update('config', array('value' => $sc_serv), array('setting' => 'sc_serv'));
echo "<br><p><div class=\"check_good\">Installation complete, if you need AutoDJ capabilities and bitrate checking please follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt in the /install/ folder!</div>"; echo "<br><br><div class=\"check_bad\">IMPORTANT! Delete or rename /install/install.php!</div>"; echo "<p>Then click <strong><a href=\"../\">here</a></strong> to login and administrate your SMI installation.</p>";
} elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 3 >>" || substr($_POST['step'], 0, 7) == "Reload3") {
/* Step 3: MySQL server setup */ $failed = 0; // Reset failed flag $directions = ""; // Empty string with directions $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); // Get pathname of this script $root_path = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); // Parent dir is the root path of SMI
echo "<strong>STEP 3: MYSQL SERVER CONFIGURATION...</strong><br>\n";
// Check to see if we are fresh on step 3 or retrying if ($_POST['step'] == "Step 3 >>") { require ('../include/config.php'); } else if (substr($_POST['step'], 0, 7) == "Reload3") { $dbhost = $_POST['databasehost']; $dbport = $_POST['databaseport']; } ?>
<form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Database server connection</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Host</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databasehost" type="text" id="databasehost" value="<? echo $dbhost; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Port</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databaseport" type="text" id="databaseport" value="<? echo $dbport; ?>"></td> </tr> </table> <? echo "- Testing MySQL server connection...";
// Check if host is entered as an IP adress $ip = false; if(preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/",$dbhost)) { $parts=explode(".",$dbhost); foreach($parts as $ip_parts) { if(intval($ip_parts) > 255 || intval($ip_parts) < 0) { // Segment not in 0-255 range, most likely a hostname $ip = false; break; } $ip = true; } } else { $ip = false; // Format does not match that of an ip address }
// If host is entered as a hostname, try to resolve if (!$ip) { $hostip = gethostbyname($dbhost); } else { $hostip = $dbhost; }
// If resolving failed, $hostip will just be the same as $dbhost if ($ip == false && $hostip == $dbhost) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = "DNS error"; $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Use a valid hostname for the MySQL server"; } else { $fp = fsockopen($hostip, $dbport, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$fp) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = $errstr; $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Check that the MySQL server daemon is started<br>- Check that database hostname and port info is correct"; } else { fclose($fp); $failed = 0; $tmpstr = "Connection OK"; $class = "good"; } } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br><p>"; if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong><br>"; echo $directions; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to retry connecting.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload33\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; }
// If this is a retry, use form values instead of those from config.php if (substr($_POST['step'],0,9) == "Reload333") { $dbname = $_POST['database']; $dbuser = $_POST['databaseusername']; $dbpass = $_POST['databasepassword']; } else { require_once('../include/config.php'); } ?> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Database name and authentication</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Database</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="database" type="text" id="database" value="<? echo $dbname; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Username</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databaseusername" type="text" id="databaseusername" value="<? echo $dbuser; ?>"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Password</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="databasepassword" type="password" id="databasepassword" value="<? echo $dbpass; ?>"></td> </tr> <!-- remove test button - test directly in script (FIXME: delete these lines when working) <tr> <td> </td> <td> </td> <td> <button onclick="chatPop('./dbtest.php?host='+document.installform.databasehost.value+'&uname='+document.installform.databaseusername.value+'&database='+document.installform.database.value+'&dbpass='+document.installform.databasepassword.value+''); return false;">Test</button> </td> </tr> --> </table> <? echo "- Testing authentication..."; $link = mysql_connect(gethostbyname($dbhost).":".$dbport, $dbuser, $dbpass); if (!$link) { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = mysql_error(); $class = "bad"; $directions = "- Check that the user is created in MySQL with correct password (case sensitive)"; } else { $failed = 0; $tmpstr = "OK"; $class = "good"; } echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br>";
if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong><br>"; echo $directions; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to retry connecting.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload333\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; }
// Check database access and privileges echo "- Testing access..."; $dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname, $link); if ($dbselect) { $failed = 0; $class = "good"; $tmpstr = "OK"; echo "<span class=\"check_".$class."\"><strong>".$tmpstr."</strong></span><br>"; echo "- Testing CREATE TABLE..."; // Do a DROP IF EXISTS to clean up earlier attempts, and for now ignore if it works mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `installtest`"); $sql = "CREATE TABLE `installtest` (`test` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`test`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1"; if (mysql_query($sql)) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing INSERT..."; if (mysql_query("INSERT INTO installtest (test) VALUES ('test')")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing UPDATE..."; if (mysql_query("UPDATE installtest SET test = 'newtest'")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; } echo "- Testing SELECT..."; if (mysql_query("SELECT * FROM installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing DELETE..."; if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing ALTER TABLE..."; if (mysql_query("ALTER TABLE installtest ADD COLUMN column2 varchar(200) NOT NULL default 'new column'")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
echo "- Testing DROP TABLE..."; if (mysql_query("DROP TABLE installtest")) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\"><strong>OK</strong></span><br>"; } else { $failed = 1; echo "<span class=\"check_bad\"><strong>failed</strong></span><br>"; }
} else { $failed = 1; $tmpstr = mysql_error(); $class = "bad"; } if ($failed == 1) { echo "<p><strong>To proceed with installation...</strong>"; echo "<br>- Grant user <i>".$dbuser."</i> SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER and DROP access privileges on database <i>".$dbname."</i>"; echo "<br><strong>...and then click below to recheck.</strong></p>"; echo "<center><p><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Retry\"></p></center>"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"Reload333\">\n"; echo "</form></table>"; exit; } $config_file = file_get_contents('../include/config.php');
// Use perl style regular expressions to replace what is actually in the config file values $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbhost.*=.*".*";/', '$dbhost = "'.$dbhost.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbport.*=.*".*";/', '$dbport = "'.$dbport.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbuser.*=.*".*";/', '$dbuser = "'.$dbuser.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbpass.*=.*".*";/', '$dbpass = "'.$dbpass.'";', $config_file); $config_file = preg_replace('/\$dbname.*=.*".*";/', '$dbname = "'.$dbname.'";', $config_file);
$config = file_put_contents('../include/config.php', $config_file); ?> <center> <span class=\"check_good\"><i>( config.php was updated successfully )</i></span> <p><input type="submit" name="step" value="Step 4 >>"> </form><br> ( Database settings ) </p> </center> <? } elseif ($_POST['step'] == "Step 4 >>" || $_POST['step'] == "Select") { /* Step 4: Database and settings */ echo "<strong>STEP 4: DATABASE SETTINGS...</strong><br>\n"; ?> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>Config and database tables</strong> </td> </tr> </table>
<? // Include config.php with correct db info for table creation require('../include/config.php');
$link = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass); mysql_select_db($dbname); // Check for tables in database echo "<p>- Database content...";
$result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES;"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($numrows < 1) { echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Empty</span></p>"; // Create the database tables echo "<p>- Recreating all tables..."; shell_exec('mysql -u'.$dbuser.' -p'.$dbpass.' '.$dbname.' < create.sql'); echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Success!</span></p>";
// If tables found and we have not chosen already, decide wether to recreate or not } elseif ($_POST['step'] != "Select") { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">tables exist. Choose action:</span>"; ?> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <div align="left"> <select name="createdb"> <option value="yes">Recreate database tables (all old data will be lost)</option> <option value="no" selected>Leave database as it is (no action)</option> </select> </div> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <input type="submit" name="step" value="Select"> <td> </tr> </table> </form></p> <? exit;
// We are called from the form and have made our choice } else { $createdb = $_POST['createdb'];
// We chose to keep database untouched, hope for the best and proceed if ($createdb == "no") { echo "<span class=\"check_bad\">Keep tables</span></p>";
// We chose to recreate the tables } else { echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Recreate tables</span></p>"; // Create the database echo "<p>- Recreating all tables..."; shell_exec('mysql -u'.$dbuser.' -p'.$dbpass.' '.$dbname.' < create.sql'); echo "<span class=\"check_good\">Success!</span><p>"; } }
// Tables are now either kept from before, or recreated ?> <p><hr noshade height="1"></p> <form name="installform" method="post" action="install.php"> <input type="hidden" name="createdb" value="<? echo $createdb; ?>"> <table width="50%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"> <strong>SMI superuser account</strong> </td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Username</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="username" type="text" id="username" value="admin"></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td>Password</td> <td>:</td> <td><input class="input" name="password" type="password" id="password" value="admin"></td> </tr> </table>
<p><hr noshade height="1"></p>
<table width="60%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="3"><strong>General settings</strong></td> </tr>
<? // Create a form with the general settings (category 1) $db = dbConnect(); $settings = groupsettings('1'); foreach ($settings as $setting) {
// Find first time values if ($setting['setting'] == "web_addr") { $setting['value'] = "http://".str_replace('/install/install.php', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); } elseif ($setting['setting'] == "smi_path") { $path_parts = pathinfo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]); $setting['value'] = str_replace('/install', '', $path_parts['dirname']); } elseif ($setting['setting'] == "host_addr") { $setting['value'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; } // Create to avoid breaks in setting's title $setting['title'] = str_replace(' ', ' ', $setting['title']) ?> <tr align="center"> <td><? echo $setting['title']; ?></strong></td> <td>:</td> <td align="left"> <? // Check to see if this is a multiple choice setting $options = settingoptions($setting['id']); if (isset($options)) { echo "<select name=\"".$setting['setting']."\">\n"; foreach ($options as $option) { echo "<option value=\"".$option['value']."\""; if ($option['value'] == $setting['value']) { echo " selected>"; } else { echo ">"; } echo $option['caption']."</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n"; } else { if (strlen($setting['value']) < 8) { $fieldsize = "10"; } else { $fieldsize = "25"; } echo "<input class=\"input\" name=\"".$setting['setting']."\" value=\"".$setting['value']."\" size=\"".$fieldsize."\">\n"; } ?> </tr> <? } ?> </table>
<center><input type="submit" name="step" value="Finish!"></center> </form>
<? } ?> <div align="center"> <p> </p> </div> </body> </html>