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Need your advise for new Server setup - Printable Version

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RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - rsmithgs - 11-27-2007 07:09 PM

robmorin Wrote:In a nut shell...

I am in the middle of a high(well sort of) availability project my self.... i am set up as follows(so far)

4 servers in all, will expand to 6 for full redundancy..

Server 1, named Megs, has 4 IPs on it, On for web related stuff(ftp,http, https), 1 for mail related stuff(pop,imap,smtp,mx,etc) one for its self, and one spare IP.

All services point to this Megs, then redirected to 2 backend servers Lois & Peter

Lois & Peter, mount NFS(/var/www/virtual & /var/mail/virtual) to server named Joe, Joe runs Omega, and all provisioning is on there...

Lois & peter also mount /etc/apache2 in read only mode
i rsync /etc/courier files over each minute from Joe(omega machine) to peter and lois.

I use HAproxy to load balance the http to peter & Lois

each back end server has 2 300 gig mirrored drives, one partion. If one server goes done other one takes over with no interruption at all ...

I wil then add another server as a Megs 2 and Joe2, when i am finished i wil post detailed docs on how i did it....

Have a nice day..

I would be interested in knowing how you got the apache servers to reload the config when changes are made on the control panel. Have you got some funky method or do you just cron a regular reload job?

Also when mail comes in (SMTP) which server receives the email and which server stores the email?

Thanks :-)