RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - PCMichi - 04-20-2009 11:16 PM
hier mal die ausgabe:
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
append_at_myorigin = yes
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
inet_interfaces = all
local_destination_recipient_limit = 1
local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_database
local_transport = local
mail_spool_directory = /var/mail
mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_size_limit = 0
message_size_limit = 0
mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain
mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks_style = host
myorigin = $myhostname
recipient_delimiter = +
relayhost =
setgid_group = postdrop
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP ispCP 1.0.0 OMEGA Managed
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_multi_recipient_bounce, reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unlisted_recipient, check_policy_service inet:, check_policy_service inet:, permit
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unknown_sender_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/transport
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/aliases
virtual_gid_maps = static:8
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/mail/virtual
virtual_mailbox_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/domains
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/mailboxes
virtual_minimum_uid = 1001
virtual_transport = virtual
virtual_uid_maps = static:1001
Ich habe den teil von alterMINE wieder rausgenommen, weil sonst keine mail mehr empfangen und versendet worden ist.
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - BeNe - 04-20-2009 11:23 PM
Naja, ohne den Part für alterMime kann ich Dir nicht sagen bzw. versuchen zu sagen was falsch ist
Greez BeNe
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - PCMichi - 04-20-2009 11:25 PM
Wie und wo muss ich den alterMine code einfügen??
Oder wie sollte die aussehen??
Bzw. die entsprechenden Teile davon??
habe das jetzt mal in die eigefügt und postfix restartet.
So sieht die postconf -n ausgabe aus:
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
append_at_myorigin = yes
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
inet_interfaces = all
local_destination_recipient_limit = 1
local_recipient_maps = unix:passwd.byname $alias_database
local_transport = local
mail_spool_directory = /var/mail
mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_size_limit = 0
message_size_limit = 0
mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain
mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks_style = host
myorigin = $myhostname
recipient_delimiter = +
relayhost =
setgid_group = postdrop
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP ispCP 1.0.0 OMEGA Managed
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_multi_recipient_bounce, reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination, reject_unlisted_recipient, check_policy_service inet:, check_policy_service inet:, permit
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unknown_sender_domain, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/transport
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/aliases
virtual_gid_maps = static:8
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/mail/virtual
virtual_mailbox_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/domains
virtual_mailbox_limit = 0
virtual_mailbox_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/ispcp/mailboxes
virtual_minimum_uid = 1001
virtual_transport = virtual
virtual_uid_maps = static:1001
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - BeNe - 04-20-2009 11:46 PM
Deine mit dem alterMime addon noch. Hatte ich vorher vergessen, sorry.
Die Datei und Rechte hast Du alle schon angelegt ?
Greez BeNe
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - PCMichi - 04-22-2009 12:34 AM
also hier einmal die
# Postfix master process configuration file. For details on the format
# of the file, see the master(5) manual page (command: "man 5 master").
# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp inet n - - - - smtpd
-o content_filter=dfilt:
#submission inet n - - - - smtpd
# -o smtpd_enforce_tls=yes
# -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
# -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
#smtps inet n - - - - smtpd
# -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
# -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
# -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
# For AOL-Accounts
587 inet n - - - - smtpd
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_unauth_destination
#628 inet n - - - - qmqpd
pickup fifo n - - 60 1 pickup
cleanup unix n - - - 0 cleanup
qmgr fifo n - n 300 1 qmgr
#qmgr fifo n - - 300 1 oqmgr
tlsmgr unix - - - 1000? 1 tlsmgr
rewrite unix - - - - - trivial-rewrite
bounce unix - - - - 0 bounce
defer unix - - - - 0 bounce
trace unix - - - - 0 bounce
verify unix - - - - 1 verify
flush unix n - - 1000? 0 flush
proxymap unix - - n - - proxymap
smtp unix - - - - - smtp
# When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops
relay unix - - - - - smtp
-o fallback_relay=
# -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
showq unix n - - - - showq
error unix - - - - - error
discard unix - - - - - discard
local unix - n n - - local
virtual unix - n n - - virtual
lmtp unix - - - - - lmtp
anvil unix - - - - 1 anvil
scache unix - - - - 1 scache
# ====================================================================
# ispCP Ï^É (OMEGA) a Virtual Hosting Control System
# @copyright 2001-2006 by moleSoftware GmbH
# @copyright 2006-2008 by ispCP |
# @version SVN: $Id$
# @link
# @author ispCP Team
# ====================================================================
# AMaViS => Antivir / Antispam
amavis unix - - n - 2 smtp
-o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
localhost:10025 inet n - n - - smtpd
-o content_filter=
-o local_recipient_maps=
-o relay_recipient_maps=
-o smtpd_restriction_classes=
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_override_options=no_address_mappings
-o mynetworks=
-o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
# ispCP autoresponder
ispcp-arpl unix - n n - - pipe
flags=O user=vmail argv=/var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/ispcp-arpl-msgr
# TLS - Activate, if TLS is avaiable/used
smtps inet n - - - - smtpd
-o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes
-o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
# -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
# ====================================================================
# Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
# pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
# Many of the following services use the Postfix pipe(8) delivery
# agent. See the pipe(8) man page for information about ${recipient}
# and other message envelope options.
# ====================================================================
# maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
# Also specify in maildrop_destination_recipient_limit=1
maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
# See the Postfix UUCP_README file for configuration details.
uucp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
# Other external delivery methods.
ifmail unix - n n - - pipe
flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/lib/bsmtp/bsmtp -t$nexthop -f$sender $recipient
scalemail-backend unix - n n - 2 pipe
flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
mailman unix - n n - - pipe
flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
${nexthop} ${user}
# altermime
dfilt unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Rq user=filter argv=/etc/postfix/disclaimer -f ${sender} - ${recipient}
Hier die Rechte und User:
/usr/bin/altermime rwx r-x r-x root root
/var/spool/filter rwx r-x --- filter filter
/etc/postfix/disclaimer rwx r-x --- root filter
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - BeNe - 04-22-2009 12:43 AM
Finde bei Dir den teil hier nicht:
Code: inet n - y - - smtpd
smtp inet n - y - - smtpd
-o content_filter=dfilt:
Und das hast Du auch extra eingebaut ?
scalemail-backend unix - n n - 2 pipe
flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
mailman unix - n n - - pipe
flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
${nexthop} ${user}
Greez BeNe
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - PCMichi - 04-22-2009 12:46 AM
Code: inet n - y - - smtpd
smtp inet n - y - - smtpd
-o content_filter=dfilt:
ich habe diesen Teil hier eingebaut:
smtp inet n - - - - smtpd
-o content_filter=dfilt:
Wo muss ich deinen Teil einfügen??
Und das hast Du auch extra eingebaut ?
scalemail-backend unix - n n - 2 pipe
flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
mailman unix - n n - - pipe
flags=FR user=list argv=/usr/lib/mailman/bin/
${nexthop} ${user}
Nein, das habe ich nicht eingebaut, warum??
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - BeNe - 04-23-2009 04:55 AM
Weil das so in der Anleitung steht.
Aber ich kann Dir da leider nicht groß weiterhelfen, weil ich selber noch nie was mit alterMIME zu tun gehabt habe. - Sorry!
Greez BeNe
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - BeNe - 04-24-2009 12:39 AM
Hier habe ich nochmal was gefunden
Und hier noch ein add_disclaimer script
Greez BeNe
RE: Allgemeine Frage: Cronjob und pflogsumm - PCMichi - 04-25-2009 09:10 PM
hab jetzt AlterMime zum laufen gebracht.
Kann somit geschlossen werden!