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Installer trims MySQL password - Printable Version

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Installer trims MySQL password - mike548141 - 04-29-2010 12:12 AM


Server: OpenSuse 11.1
ispCP: 1.0.5

Quote: FastCGI Version: [f]cgid or fast[c]gi. [fcgid]:

Activate AWStats. [no]: yes

AWStats Mode:
Possible values [d]ynamic and [s]tatic. [dynamic]:

Starting Installation
ERROR: External command '/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='kG4wrLD3LaLi74L5R39qvnunuDDtSPKiMgUBeNYgJ3qUtuYqywXn9qpG' < /tmp/db.sql 1>/tmp/db.sql.stdout 2>/tmp/db.sql.stderr' returned '1' status !

"perl ispcp-setup" does the questions properly but the installer drops characters from the end of the mysql password.
I use putty to paste in the password

Quote:* The actual MySQL password
* What ispcp-setup trie to use
Yes that is the real password but don't worry the demo/test systems live for about 60 minutes before being replaced.

So it appears to be a password length issue (56 characters)?
I ran the pre-install on the host (demo system), the source files are in /srv/ispCP/ispcp-omega-1.0.5 rather than /tmp but otherwise pretty much as per the manual