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[SOLVED]Ubuntu server 10.04 Apache fcgid error - Printable Version

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[SOLVED]Ubuntu server 10.04 Apache fcgid error - NIIcK - 08-11-2010 01:14 AM

System: Ubuntu server 10.04
ispCP version: 1.0.6


I have been searching for a fix to this issue on the forum but I couldn't find something viable.

As soon as I add a new domain from ispCP, Apache stops working and I get this error when trying to start it:

/etc/init.d/apache2 start
* Starting web server apache2                                                                                                                                                   Syntax error on line 29 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fcgid_ispcp.conf:
SocketPath cannot occur within <VirtualHost> section

Regardless of what I have tried I get the same error and thus I can't set up other domains.

Please help.

Thank you,


RE: Ubuntu server 10.04 Apache fcgid error - joximu - 08-11-2010 01:27 AM

Comment the include line in the ispcp.conf where the fcgid_ispcp.conf is included again in each virtualhost.

Best in the tpl - so it won't occur again.

Don't forget the working copy.


RE: Ubuntu server 10.04 Apache fcgid error - NIIcK - 08-11-2010 02:25 AM

It worked! Thank you!