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Administrator mail & Sever Status - Printable Version

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Administrator mail & Sever Status - Stevanicus - 09-17-2010 11:17 PM

Hi There,

I have got two problems with my ISPcp.

The actual functionality of ispcp is working fine. I have just noticed that under server status I have the following

    localhost   (Port 9876)      ispCP Daemon      UP
      localhost   (Port 10024)     AMaVis     DOWN   (Port 53)     DNS     UP   (Port 21)     FTP     UP   (Port 80)     HTTP     UP   (Port 143)     IMAP     UP
      localhost   (Port 12525)     POLICYD-WEIGHT     UP   (Port 110)     POP3     UP   (Port 995)     POP3-SSL     DOWN
      localhost   (Port 60000)     POSTGREY     DOWN   (Port 25)     SMTP     UP   (Port 465)     SMTP-SSL     UP
      localhost   (Port 783)     SPAMASSASSIN     DOWN   (Port 22)     SSH     UP   (Port 23)     TELNET     DOWN

(eventhough telnet is down.. it's in green)

Also, when I create a reseller, the email I specify should recieve an email stating a welcome msg and login details etc.

No such email is ever sent.

Any ideas? Let me know if you need any more info.

Thanks in advance!

RE: Administrator mail & Sever Status - kilburn - 09-19-2010 07:29 PM

Check the mail logs. Postrey being down may be why you are not receiving emails, but without mail.log info its hard to tell...

RE: Administrator mail & Sever Status - Stevanicus - 09-20-2010 10:12 AM

Thanks for getting back to me,

I tried to email a reseller... i.e. myself.

This is the log I got.

Quote:Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/pickup[1321]: 1B76C1B81448: uid=2000 from=<>
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/cleanup[1575]: 1B76C1B81448: message-id=<20100920000445.1B76C1B81448@mydomainserver>
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 1B76C1B81448: from=<>, size=476, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/pickup[1321]: 364BA1B81431: uid=2000 from=<>
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: warning: connect to transport private/retry: Connection refused
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/cleanup[1575]: 364BA1B81431: message-id=<20100920000445.364BA1B81431@mydomainserver>
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 1B76C1B81448: to=<>, relay=none, delay=0.32, delays=0.17/0.14/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 364BA1B81431: from=<>, size=779, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/virtual[1581]: 364BA1B81431: to=<>, relay=virtual, delay=0.33, delays=0.25/0.01/0/0.08, dsn=5.1.1, status=bounced (unknown user: "")
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/cleanup[1575]: 6DA411B8144F: message-id=<20100920000445.6DA411B8144F@mydomainserver>
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/bounce[1582]: 364BA1B81431: sender non-delivery notification: 6DA411B8144F
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 6DA411B8144F: from=<>, size=2564, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 364BA1B81431: removed
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtpd[1584]: warning: myipaddress: address not listed for hostname O2WirelessBox.lan
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtpd[1584]: connect from unknown[myipaddress]
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtp[1583]: warning: host[myipaddress]:25 greeted me with my own hostname mydomainserver
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtp[1583]: warning: host[myipaddress]:25 replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname mydomainserver
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtp[1583]: 6DA411B8144F: to=<>,[myipaddress]:25, delay=0.43, delays=0.08/0.01/0.35/0, dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back to myself)
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/qmgr[1322]: 6DA411B8144F: removed
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtpd[1584]: disconnect from unknown[myipaddress]

I have change hostname to mydomainserver
address to
the email i tried emailing to
Mainly because i'm running it on a home server, not to mention my IP to myipaddress

Thanks in advance

RE: Administrator mail & Sever Status - BeNe - 09-20-2010 07:38 PM

Please start postgrey before.
DonĀ“t run ispCP @home with a non static Public IP-Adress:
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtpd[1584]: warning: myipaddress: address not listed for hostname O2WirelessBox.lan
Ohm... Rolleyes
Sep 20 01:04:45 mydomainserver postfix/smtp[1583]: warning: host[myipaddress]:25 replied to HELO/EHLO with my own hostname mydomainserver

Greez BeNe

RE: Administrator mail & Sever Status - Stevanicus - 09-25-2010 03:33 AM

@BeNe, thanks for getting back to me.

Yea you were right about the static IP. the admin email is working fine now. However, I'm still getting the same server services that are reportedly down :S Except Policyd-weight.. thats is up now.

p.s. I have done a clean install after I got myself a static IP

Any ideas?

RE: Administrator mail & Sever Status - Stevanicus - 09-30-2010 08:55 PM

No one able to tell me why or how to find out why
these services are down?

Thanks in advance,