ispCP - Board - Support
Riesen Problem!!!! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Riesen Problem!!!! (/thread-15386.html)

Riesen Problem!!!! - lifoy - 10-20-2011 10:22 AM

ich habe heute auf die Beta Updaten wollen seit dem geht gar nichts mehr...

Ich bekomme nur noch fehlermeldungen.

Do you want to continue ? [Y/n/?]:

Starting ispCP update
* Stopping services: .......... [ Done ]

ispCP main configuration file

Pre-installation tasks for Debian
* Postgrey configuration (Updating listening port): [ Done ]
* Loading old ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Update ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Check ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Update ispCP key configuration file: [ Done ]

ispCP database
* Update ispCP database schema: [ Done ]

Rebuilding all services configuration files
* ispCP system resolver: [ Done ]
* ispCP crontab file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Bind9 main configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache fastCGI modules configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache main vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache AWStats vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Postfix configuration files: [ Done ]
* ispCP Courier-Authentication: [ Done ]
* ispCP ProFTPd configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP init scripts: [ Done ]

Rebuilding all GUI configuration files
* ispCP GUI Bind9 configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI fastCGI/PHP configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP PMA configuration file: [ Done ]

Rebuilding all customers configuration files
* Please wait, this may take some time: [ Failed ]

[FATAL] An error occurred during update process!
Correct it and re-run this program.

Log files are stored in /var/log/ispcp/setup
You can also find help at

Ich habe mal alle Datein angehängt ich hoffe ihr könnt helfen ist echt dringend meine Hosting website ist off... und 100 kunden stehen ohne website da!

Ich habe Webmin installiert gehabt...
Wenn ich Apache manuell starten will kommt:

85-31-186-198:/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Starting web server: apache2apache2: Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/webmin.1317801939.conf: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/webmin.1317801939.conf:1: <VirtualHost> was not closed.


get_conf()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
setup_main_vars()              | Starting...
setup_main_vars()              | Ending...
get_conf()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 191)
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 191
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 191)
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 191
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Ending...
write_ispcp_key_cfg()          | Starting...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
write_ispcp_key_cfg()          | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp/setup' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
setup_start_up()               | Starting...
welcome_note()                 | Starting...
welcome_note()                 | Ending...
setup_start_up()               | Ending...
setup_engine()                 | Starting...
user_dialog()                  | Starting...
ask_hostname()                 | Starting...
get_sys_hostname()             | Starting...
getEthAddr()                   | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
getEthAddr()                   | Ending...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
get_sys_hostname()             | Ending...
isValidHostname()              | Starting...
isValidHostname()              | Ending...
ask_hostname()                 | Ending...
ask_eth()                      | Starting...
getEthAddr()                   | Starting...
getEthAddr()                   | Ending...
isValidAddr()                  | Starting...
isValidAddr()                  | Ending...
ask_eth()                      | Ending...
ask_vhost()                    | Starting...
get_sys_hostname()             | Starting...
get_sys_hostname()             | Ending...
isValidHostname()              | Starting...
isValidHostname()              | Ending...
ask_vhost()                    | Ending...
ask_db_host()                  | Starting...
ask_db_host()                  | Ending...
ask_db_name()                  | Starting...
ask_db_name()                  | Ending...
ask_db_user()                  | Starting...
ask_db_user()                  | Ending...
ask_db_password()              | Starting...
ask_db_password()              | Starting...
ask_db_password()              | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_user()              | Starting...
ask_db_ftp_user()              | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_password()          | Starting...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 150)
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 150
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_password()          | Ending...
ask_db_pma_user()              | Starting...
ask_db_pma_user()              | Ending...
ask_db_pma_password()          | Starting...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 160)
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
save_file()                    | Starting...
save_file()                    | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num()             | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 160
gen_sys_rand_num()             | Ending...
ask_db_pma_password()          | Ending...
ask_admin()                    | Starting...
ask_admin()                    | Ending...
ask_admin_password()           | Starting...
ask_admin_password()           | Starting...
ask_admin_password()           | Ending...
ask_admin_email()              | Starting...
isValidEmail()                 | Starting...
isValidEmailUser()             | Starting...
isValidEmailUser()             | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain()           | Starting...
isValidHostname()              | Starting...
isValidHostname()              | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain()           | Ending...
isValidEmail()                 | Ending...
ask_admin_email()              | Ending...
ask_second_dns()               | Starting...
isValidAddr()                  | Starting...
isValidAddr()                  | Ending...
ask_second_dns()               | Ending...
ask_resolver()                 | Starting...
ask_resolver()                 | Ending...
ask_mysql_prefix()             | Starting...
ask_mysql_prefix()             | Ending...
ask_fastcgi()                  | Starting...
ask_fastcgi()                  | Ending...
ask_timezone()                 | Starting...
ask_timezone()                 | Ending...
ask_awstats_on()               | Starting...
ask_awstats_on()               | Ending...
ask_awstats_dyn()              | Starting...
ask_awstats_dyn()              | Ending...
user_dialog()                  | Ending...
stop_services()                | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP Network Traffic Logger: ispcp_network
ispcp_network is already stopped (warning).
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_network stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping domain name service...: bind9 waiting for pid 12066 to die.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/bind9 stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting ..
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/apache2 stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/proftpd stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping policyd-weight (incl. cache): policyd-weight.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/policyd-weight stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/postfix stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier authentication services: authdaemond.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier POP3 server: pop3d.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-pop stop') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier IMAP server: imapd.
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-imap stop') | Ending...
stop_services()                | Ending...
preinst()                      | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/sh preinst install') | Ending...
preinst()                      | Ending...
check_host_system()            | Starting...
check_sql_connection()         | Starting...
check_sql_connection()         | Checking MySQL server connection with the following DSN: DBI:mysql::localhost root SponsorElite2010
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
check_sql_connection()         | Ending...
check_host_system()            | Ending...
setup_services_cfg()           | Starting...
setup_system_users()           | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -c vmail-user -g 8 -s /bin/false vmail') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -d  /var/www/fcgi/master -m -c vu-master -g vu2000 -s /bin/false -u 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
setup_system_users()           | Ending...
setup_system_dirs()            | Starting...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/www/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/users' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/backup' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/etc/postfix/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/mail/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/www/ispcp/backups' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/www/fcgi' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Starting...
makepath()                     | [NOTICE] '/var/cache/awstats' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
makepath()                     | Ending...
setup_system_dirs()            | Ending...
setup_config()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
encrypt_db_password()          | Starting...
encrypt_db_password()          | Ending...
set_conf_val()                 | Starting...
set_conf_val()                 | Ending...
store_conf()                   | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
get_conf()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
setup_main_vars()              | Starting...
decrypt_db_password()          | Starting...
decrypt_db_password()          | Ending...
setup_main_vars()              | Ending...
get_conf()                     | Ending...
store_conf()                   | Ending...
setup_config()                 | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database()         | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
setup_main_vars()              | Starting...
decrypt_db_password()          | Starting...
decrypt_db_password()          | Ending...
setup_main_vars()              | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='/****' < /tmp/db.sql') | Ending...
del_file()                     | Starting...
del_file()                     | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database()         | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='SponsorElite2010' ispcp < /etc/ispcp/database/languages.sql') | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | Starting...
crypt_md5_data()               | Starting...
gen_rand_num()                 | Starting...
gen_rand_num()                 | Ending...
crypt_md5_data()               | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | [DEBUG] Inserting primary admin account data...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | [DEBUG] Inserting primary Ip data...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | [DEBUG] Reloading all SQL privileges...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | [DEBUG] Inserting Proftpd SQL user account data...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
doSQL()                        | Starting...
doSQL()                        | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data()       | Ending...
setup_hosts()                  | Starting...
sys_command_rs()               | Starting...
sys_command_rs()               | Ending...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
setup_hosts()                  | Ending...
setup_resolver()               | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
sys_command_rs()               | Starting...
sys_command_rs()               | Ending...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
setup_resolver()               | Ending...
setup_crontab()                | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -fp /etc/ispcp/cron.d/working/ispcp /etc/cron.d/') | Ending...
setup_crontab()                | Ending...
setup_named()                  | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/ispcp/bind/backup/named.conf.system') | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf /etc/bind/named.conf') | Ending...
setup_named()                  | Ending...
setup_php()                    | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module php4 does not exist!
ERROR: Module php5 does not exist!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command()                  | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2dismod php4 php5' exited with value 1 !
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Enabling module actions.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod actions') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Module fastcgi_ispcp already disabled
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2dismod fastcgi_ispcp') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Enabling module fcgid_ispcp.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod fcgid_ispcp') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Module fastcgi disabled.
Module fcgid already disabled
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2dismod fastcgi fcgid') | Ending...
setup_php()                    | Ending...
setup_httpd_main_vhost()       | Starting...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Module cgid already enabled
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod cgid') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Enabling module rewrite.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod rewrite') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Enabling module suexec.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod suexec') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
system()                       | [DEBUG] Enabling site ispcp.conf.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2ensite ispcp.conf') | Ending...
setup_httpd_main_vhost()       | Ending...
setup_awstats_vhost()          | Starting...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/apache2.system') | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.conf /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/proxy.conf.system') | Ending...
get_file()                     | Starting...
get_file()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
repl_var()                     | Starting...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Ending...
repl_tag()                     | Starting...
get_tag()                      | Starting...
repl_var()                     | Ending...
prep_tpl()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Starting...
setfmode()                     | Ending...
store_file()                   | Ending...
sys_command()                  | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | Starting...
getCmdExitValue()              | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue()              | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/01_awstats.conf

RE: Riesen Problem!!!! - joximu - 10-20-2011 04:25 PM

Wieso machst du ne beta drauf, wenn du 100 Kunden da laufen hast...???

ich würde auch nie webmin zusammen mit ispcp laufen lassen (zumindest keine webmin-Module, die sich mit den ispcp-Modulen überschneiden).

Beim Start von apache werden die fehler aufgelistet, die er bemängelt - sieht so aus, als ob das alles ausserhalb des Einflussbereiches von ispcp ist.

Was genau der Fehler ist, der während des setups auftrat... - sehe ich grad nicht...


RE: Riesen Problem!!!! - ZooL - 10-21-2011 01:43 AM

(10-20-2011 04:25 PM)joximu Wrote:  ich würde auch nie webmin zusammen mit ispcp laufen lassen (zumindest keine webmin-Module, die sich mit den ispcp-Modulen überschneiden).

ist eigentlich ohne Probleme Möglich.
Aber, dann sollte man webmin nur zum lesen der Logs oder Mailqueue nehmen eventuell auch firewall configurationen aber wenn man keine ahnung hat ist es nicht so gut...
