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Need your advise for new Server setup - Printable Version

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Need your advise for new Server setup - robin - 11-13-2007 10:26 PM

Im planning to set up a new server.

I have a AMD barcelona quad core, 4 GB DDR2 REG ECC RAM and a 2x 500 GB raid, redundant powersupply, remote management module.

The main goal of the new server is to get a high availabilty sever. Normally this can be done by using several servers on different locations but i would like to do this with virtualization.

So my idea was to setup up the following virtual servers:
MySQL server1 Master
MySQL server2 Slave
Email server

The webservers wil be loadbalanced and monitored using heartbeatand ultra monkey for example. I will use external nameservers that will have an 99,99% availabilty.

For virtualization im thinking about OpenVZ since it has a verry good performance.

Is this a good way to implement a high availabilty server? Is it difficult to setup ISPCP with this configuration?

I only have this one server and i dont want to setup another physical server at a different location yet.

Please give any suggentions u have, or maybe you have experience using virtualization or using ispcp in this kind of configuration.

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - BeNe - 11-13-2007 10:52 PM

Never did such a Project, but we have a HowTo in the Wiki about a part of it -->

OpenVZ is a good choice... Wink

Greez BeNe

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - jmeyerdo - 11-13-2007 11:04 PM


I actually don't understand why you want to use two (virtualized) server on the same machine.

As I understand high-availability-servers (with heartbeat) are installed with two independent servers in general. So one server can switch over with any hardware-/system-error.

What should happen that it is an advantage to have another virtualized (fallback-) server on the same machine?

Kind regards, Jens

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - BeNe - 11-13-2007 11:06 PM

@ robin
Do you really mean only one Server ?
All VE really on one Server ?

As jmeyerdo said - THIS make no sense.

Greez BeNe

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - joximu - 11-13-2007 11:08 PM

I thought about the same - the only thing that comes in my mind: when a software is blocking or making high load - then the other server might be interesting - but if this is worth the overhead - I don't know...

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - jmeyerdo - 11-13-2007 11:21 PM

joximu Wrote:@jmeyerdo
I thought about the same - the only thing that comes in my mind: when a software is blocking or making high load - then the other server might be interesting - but if this is worth the overhead - I don't know...

Hmm, I thought about any hacking-attempts. But as all filesystem-changes are sychnronized (and the IPs changes to new host) the same problems should occur on the other machine.

Perhaps it makes sense to separate the services on one machine in virtualized systems: mail, database, webspaces with priority, webspaces, ...
But keep in mind that you have to care about xx systems on the same machine. And I would suggest that it is not easy to install isp-CP in such an environment...
So I decided against such a solution for my server.

Kind regards, Jens

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - rbtux - 11-13-2007 11:42 PM

i have two well equiped servers providing each mail, dns, database in isolated vm...

the webservers are always standalone... if a customer wants high availabilty i do this with two vps serving the domain and without ispcp because these setups are always customized...

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - robmorin - 11-14-2007 12:36 AM

In a nut shell...

I am in the middle of a high(well sort of) availability project my self.... i am set up as follows(so far)

4 servers in all, will expand to 6 for full redundancy..

Server 1, named Megs, has 4 IPs on it, On for web related stuff(ftp,http, https), 1 for mail related stuff(pop,imap,smtp,mx,etc) one for its self, and one spare IP.

All services point to this Megs, then redirected to 2 backend servers Lois & Peter

Lois & Peter, mount NFS(/var/www/virtual & /var/mail/virtual) to server named Joe, Joe runs Omega, and all provisioning is on there...

Lois & peter also mount /etc/apache2 in read only mode
i rsync /etc/courier files over each minute from Joe(omega machine) to peter and lois.

I use HAproxy to load balance the http to peter & Lois

each back end server has 2 300 gig mirrored drives, one partion. If one server goes done other one takes over with no interruption at all ...

I wil then add another server as a Megs 2 and Joe2, when i am finished i wil post detailed docs on how i did it....

Have a nice day..

rbtux Wrote:i have two well equiped servers providing each mail, dns, database in isolated vm...

the webservers are always standalone... if a customer wants high availabilty i do this with two vps serving the domain and without ispcp because these setups are always customized...

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - platzwart - 11-14-2007 03:26 AM

are you crazy?!?!? why the hell do you need such a redundant system? this costs a lot...?!?

RE: Need your advise for new Server setup - rbtux - 11-14-2007 03:28 AM

when the customers are willing to pay for the security/performance - this sounds like an interessting setup...