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pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - Printable Version

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pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - pgentoo - 11-25-2007 01:41 PM

In gentoo (not sure about the other distros), IMAP-SSL and POP3-SSL do not automatically start up after running the installation script.

I verified that the init.d script paths are corrected in /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf...

Is there something missing from the ispcp-setup?

RE: pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - joximu - 11-25-2007 07:09 PM

Well, in debian you have to install 3 separate packages courier-ssl, courier-imap-ssl and courier-pop-ssl...
Maybe this helps?

RE: pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - raphael - 11-26-2007 03:01 AM

It is not setup by default because the ssl keys (and usually also the certificate) need to be created.
Don't expect this to be done automagically by ispCP

RE: pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - pgentoo - 11-26-2007 05:38 AM

raphael Wrote:It is not setup by default because the ssl keys (and usually also the certificate) need to be created.
Don't expect this to be done automagically by ispCP

No, I don't expect ispcp to setup my ssl keys... The issue here is that on my test system, I've already installed the ssl packages for these daemons. I've already created the keys, and the services start up fine. However the installation script seems to start up everything except these 2 services.

Couldn't it at least try to start them? Not a huge issue, I just noticed that everything started up except these. I guess if i was installing on a brand new system, this wouldn't matter... Because i'd have to go through and test out the whole system anyway, and could just start them up. It's just when i keep upgrading to the latest trunk, i always have to go start them up after running the installation script...

If this is "by design" then that's fine. I just wanted to raise it to attention incase it was not intended.

RE: pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - joximu - 11-26-2007 06:03 AM

It's not up to ispCP to start "foreign" services. The only services from ispcp are ispcp_daemon and ispcp_network (well, this is not a real service).

So, you need to find the error in your setup. Either the services are starting but failing or the are not setup to be started by the init process...

RE: pop3-ssl and imap-ssl don't automatically start after installation? - pgentoo - 11-27-2007 11:13 AM

The problem is mostly to do with updates from previous svn versions. My mail daemons are configured properly to start and to start on boot. The problem that i run into is that the services are running prior to running ispcp-setup (to update from past trunk to the current trunk). And then after installation finishes, all the services ispcp relys on are started, except these ssl mail daemons.

I know this isn't a huge issue, as this is a build time thing, but if the ispcp-setup is stopping these services, it should probably try to start them again once its finished...