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dmain problem - oddyutza - 11-30-2007 05:44 PM

theory :

we have a domain called : , the dns server is the same server with the hosting server, installed version of ispcp is ispcp RC2.

after two days still no dns propagation .

some ideeas ? tnx

RE: dmain problem - rsmithgs - 11-30-2007 06:04 PM

oddyutza Wrote:theory :

we have a domain called : , the dns server is the same server with the hosting server, installed version of ispcp is ispcp RC2.

after two days still no dns propagation .

some ideeas ? tnx

NS details correct with the provider of the hostname?

RE: dmain problem - oddyutza - 12-03-2007 07:11 PM

yes... they are correct

RE: dmain problem - rsmithgs - 12-03-2007 07:14 PM

DNS propergation - Basically you cant resolve the domain from outside the server?

RE: dmain problem - joximu - 12-03-2007 07:25 PM

We still think theoretically?

The domain registrar has the two nameservers?

If you ask the two dns from outside, they answer what?

In practise it would be ****much**** easier if you give us the domain name - at least one of us per PM...


RE: dmain problem - oddyutza - 12-03-2007 11:36 PM

domain name :
dns servers *

the dns server for an simple name domain.tld is working .. you cand see here

you can check both domains here : (romania register)


RE: dmain problem - joximu - 12-04-2007 12:48 AM


the ns* do not seem to resolve the domain name ""
BTW: in whois there are 3 nameservers ns, ns1 and ns2 - but the does not resolve on itself...

The whois seems to be ok, at least there, the rohacks server are responsible for this domain...

Is this your server? (the ns1 and resolve to the same IP, which is not a good idea...)


RE: dmain problem - oddyutza - 12-04-2007 12:51 AM

joximu Wrote:Hi

the ns* do not seem to resolve the domain name ""
BTW: in whois there are 3 nameservers ns, ns1 and ns2 - but the does not resolve on itself...

The whois seems to be ok, at least there, the rohacks server are responsible for this domain...

Is this your server? (the ns1 and resolve to the same IP, which is not a good idea...)


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=57

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 2, Received = 2, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 0ms

yes rohacks server is mine ... i`ve made an request for some other ips ... i know that this is not a good ideea ... but works just fine ... so ... i think this is not the problem other domains.tld are working perfectly ... only domains such as ... are creating problems

RE: dmain problem - joximu - 12-04-2007 12:58 AM

ok so have a look in the following files:

/etc/bind/named.conf - there all domains are listed which should be resolved by your Nameserver.
The zonefiles (/var/cache/bind/domain...db) keep the dns entries for every domain.

If you change something there and want to keep it you should also change (or make a copy to) /etc/ispcp/bind/working

f you restart the nameserver and you see errors in the logfile then something is not ok with the syntax somewhere...

Hope you find something...


RE: dmain problem - oddyutza - 12-04-2007 01:18 AM

joximu Wrote:ok so have a look in the following files:

/etc/bind/named.conf - there all domains are listed which should be resolved by your Nameserver.
The zonefiles (/var/cache/bind/domain...db) keep the dns entries for every domain.

If you change something there and want to keep it you should also change (or make a copy to) /etc/ispcp/bind/working

f you restart the nameserver and you see errors in the logfile then something is not ok with the syntax somewhere...

Hope you find something...


the entries look ok ... no errors on starting server. locally i can resolve but from outside the server no ... tnx in advance