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How to setup a server to follow development? - Printable Version

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How to setup a server to follow development? - ispcomm - 05-04-2008 04:45 AM

I would like to follow development of ispcp on a test server (debian).

I am wondering what would be the best setup to be able to "svn update" my local tree and test slight mods in "real time".

Currently I have to svn update then make install and then go trough the "perl ispcp-update" script that takes ages.

There must be a simpler and more direct way, specially for small daily updates where ispcp-update really is not updating from an "old" version but from "yesterday".

I would like to get an idea on how you devs have solved this problem. Do you work in /var/www/ispcp (and have your repository there) or do you copy every changed file over and over to /var/www.... perhaps I'm missing something obvious.


PS: Yes... i like to tweak things around and I want to understand how development works in ispcp so I can fix myself out if I need to ;-)

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - ispcomm - 05-07-2008 12:31 AM

Nobody has any ideas? Weird

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - gOOvER - 05-07-2008 12:36 AM

There is an HowTo in the Wiki. With this it should possible to upgrade from nightly to nightly. But all changes in the configs /etc you have to update it manually. You have to read the changelog in the Timeline, to see what has changed.

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - ispcomm - 05-07-2008 01:24 AM

Thanks for replying. It took me long time after your post to actually find it (it's burried in the upgrade section here: )

I've been looking everywhere but not there Sad


RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - ispcomm - 05-10-2008 12:20 AM

Being a lazy programmer I made a script to automate nightly updates. It's little more than cut and paste from the wiki, but I think it might be usefull for somebody. Use it and mod it to your liking ;-)

Run it from the ispcp root directory (that would be the "trunk" dir in case you're following trunk).

Updated: version 0.0.1, including a proper license an credits. Very alpha but seems to work.
# ispcp-nightly-update
# Version: 0.0.1
# License: GPL
# Author : ispcomm
# Credits: ispcp development team
# Variables

# Backup current installation
mkdir -p ${BACKUPDIR}
pushd ${BACKUPDIR}
tar czpf "ispcp_backup-`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S'`.tar.gz" ../ispcp/
cp ../ispcp/engine/ .
cp ../ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php .
cp ../ispcp/gui/tools/pma/ .

# Compile ispcp. Install will copy files to /tmp/ispcp
make clean install

# Update current installation
/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop
pushd /tmp/ispcp${WWWDIR}
cp -R ispcp/ ${WWWDIR}
find ${ISPCPDIR} -type d -name '.svn' -exec rm -fr '{}' \;

cp ../ispcp/engine/
cp ../ispcp/engine/messager/
cp ispcp-db-keys.php ../ispcp/gui/include/
cp ../ispcp/gui/tools/pma/

cd ../ispcp/engine/setup/

if [ $REBUILD_SITES == "yes" ] ; then
# Some old releases require this. not necessary for current ones.

cat <<EOF | mysql -uroot -p ispcp
UPDATE mail_users SET status='toadd' where status='ok';
UPDATE domain SET domain_status = 'change' WHERE domain_status = 'ok';
UPDATE domain_aliasses SET alias_status = 'change' WHERE alias_status = 'ok';
UPDATE subdomain SET subdomain_status = 'change' WHERE subdomain_status = 'ok';


/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon start
rm -fR /tmp/ispcp

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - mr.x - 05-10-2008 01:25 AM

Hi ispcomm,

thanks for your script. It looks very nice.


RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - gOOvER - 05-10-2008 03:33 AM

thanks for that script. I will test it at the Weekend. Maybe we can "tune" it. Smile

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - blocker - 05-10-2008 11:28 AM

since svn 1134, freebsd distro have a little capability to detect if system already installed with ispcp, may be this can be merge to other distro


... cut ...

.if exists ($(SYSTEM_WEB)/ispcp/engine/
# Previous database key detected, assuming being perform Upgrade Procedure
cp $(SYSTEM_WEB)/ispcp/engine/ $(SYSTEM_ROOT)/engine/
cp $(SYSTEM_WEB)/ispcp/engine/messager/ $(SYSTEM_ROOT)/engine/messager/
cp $(SYSTEM_WEB)/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php $(SYSTEM_ROOT)/gui/include/
cp $(SYSTEM_WEB)/ispcp/gui/tools/pma/ $(SYSTEM_ROOT)/gui/tools/pma/

.. cut ..

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - BioALIEN - 05-11-2008 07:30 AM

Can someone test and confirm this works. It would make life so much easier if us testers can keep up with Nightly builds. I know BeNe would love this for his Demo server.

RE: How to setup a server to follow development? - sci2tech - 05-11-2008 06:57 PM

I`ve tested and it worked for me. But if you are using svn you should remove all folder named .svn copied by line
Quote:cp -R ispcp/ /var/www/
(it`s not a good ideea to expose php code even if there are not any confidential data: passwords to database). Maybe you can add a
Quote:rm -r `find -iname .svn`
Second, none of template file are copied in /etc. (i think that files from ../parts are mandatory.
Anyway, great tools.