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Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - Printable Version

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Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-05-2008 07:36 PM

Hi everybody,

things work fine so far for my Installation on FreeBSD 7.0
I use the nightly from 11th April.

Now I tried to add a reseller, everything done good, recieved mail and everything. Then I switched to reseller-account and tried to create a user (I did hosting Plan before) and also this works, recive an mail and so on but the status of the user is

Status Addition in progress

there is nothing added in the doamin named.

# BIND data
BIND_CONF_FILE = /var/named/etc/namedb/named.conf
BIND_DB_DIR = /var/named/etc/namedb/master

tried it before without ' /var/named ' in front of the paths, its the same thing.

named is running
and the permission of the admin.evotestserver.***.de.db is 666

any ideas?
hopefully I just made a small mistake.
Please help Smile


RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - KeNt - 05-05-2008 10:46 PM

nano /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
set DEBUG =1
cd /var/www/ispcp/engine

and look where is error

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-06-2008 01:22 AM

yeah thanks there was libary missing.

cd /usr/ports/dns/p5-Net-LibIDN && make install clean

seems to do the jobs, for now there no more errors appearing

but now after short amount of time the status change form Addition in progress to Unknown Error.
And I can't delete the users. He says User deleted but its still there

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-07-2008 03:20 AM

after killing some errors now I got the following

cat /var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stderr

Name "main::cgf" used only once: possible typo at /evolution/web/evotestserver.***.de/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr line 1799.

any ideas, sorry that I just post the error but I hope its a known one. I get on it myself tomorrow.


RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - Zothos - 05-07-2008 03:58 AM

there is already a ticket about this.

will be fixed in my next commit

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-07-2008 09:51 PM

cat /var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stderr
rndc: 'restart' is not implemented

its just appeard after i tried once again to add an user.

help! Tongue

edit: I get server timeouts for adding/deleting users but user is added, after timeout.
And the delete function doesn't work like ever in my case.

should named be restartet instead onf rndc? is there a mistake in the script? Or is something wrong with my configutration of rndc?
just an thought of mine.

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-08-2008 12:17 AM

is there expected that the is at a specific path?
mine is /var/run/

just another idea :S

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-08-2008 06:37 PM

now I updated to the current nightly.

./ispcp-rqst-mngr give no more errors


DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('export COLUMNS=120;/bin/ps auxww | awk '$0 ~ /ispcp-rqst-mngr/ && $0 !~ /awk/ { print $2 ;}' 1>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stdout 2>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: ERROR: Master manager process is not running !
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: ERROR: Master manager process is not running !
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('export COLUMNS=120;/bin/ps auxww | awk '$0 ~ /ispcp-rqst-mngr/ && $0 !~ /awk/ { print $2 ;}' 1>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stdout 2>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: pop_el() Empty 'EL' Stack !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...

'ps -ax | grep named' gives
11736  ??  SsJ    0:00,05 /usr/sbin/syslogd -l /var/run/log -l /var/named/var/run/log -s -s
11742  ??  IsJ    0:00,12 /usr/sbin/named -t /var/named -u bind

any ideas?

also intresting and maybe the last error is

DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: htuser_mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./ispcp-htuser-mngr line 896.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: ERROR: Incorrect SQL Query -> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and

                        t1.user_id != 0


                        t1.dmn_id = t2.domain_id' at line 22
DEBUG: pop_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: ERROR: Incorrect SQL Query -> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'and

                        t1.user_id != 0


                        t1.dmn_id = t2.domain_id' at line 22

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - KeNt - 05-08-2008 08:53 PM

It's for Debian

nano /etc/init.d/bind9
        log_daemon_msg "Stopping domain name service..." "bind"
        #if [ "X$RESOLVCONF" != "Xno" ] && [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ] ; then
        #    /sbin/resolvconf -d lo.named
        #/usr/sbin/rndc stop
        killall -9 named
        log_end_msg $?

this is hack, but perfectly worked when rndc not

RE: Users/Domains Status:Addition in progress - StevenE - 05-09-2008 02:14 AM

thx but I used another solution cause of FreeBSD Smile

ehm so rndc seems right. now we got the following after adding a user
cat /var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr
pw: group name `vu2002' already exists

and also in many log files i got this one
check_master()                 | ERROR: Master manager process is not running !

the status of the added user is Unknown Error.