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How to give shell acccess to vu20xx users? - Printable Version

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How to give shell acccess to vu20xx users? - robmorin - 06-20-2008 12:53 AM

Hello all ..

I have a client who has is own server(co-located with us) i set up for him with Omega on it. All is working well... he wants to have shell access to do some tasks and other stuff, however i do not want him to have root access at all, only access to the vu20xx users of his 5 websites...

What is the best way to do this? He will need to create, delete files in these vu dirs... i would hate to simply give the vu user a real shell, is there another way?


RE: How to give shell acccess to vu20xx users? - rbtux - 06-21-2008 02:57 AM

setup a chrooted user environment would be the best solution imho. But afaik you have to patch the ssh daemon to use chrooted users... Additionally you need a good wrapper script that creates the chroot for you (all the nescessary commands etc...)