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Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - Printable Version

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Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - chrisoverly - 07-30-2008 07:17 AM

When installing on Ubuntu 8.04

I get the following:

The following packages have been kept back:
bind9-host dnsutils libbind9-30 libisccfg30 linux-image-server linux-server
openssh-client openssh-server
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.
root@server1:~# apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-hardy)
cat: ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-hardy: No such file or directory
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.

Then I can't go to configure the other stuff that should pop up, the first time I tried this, it told me it couldn't find package Libperl (some version number)

Any ideas would be great, please be gentle, I am trying to learn linux.

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - chrisoverly - 07-31-2008 03:50 AM

Guess nobody has any ideas, I'm gonna go for webmin then... thanks guys

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - pgentoo - 08-06-2008 12:37 PM

chrisoverly, it looks like you weren't in the folder that contains the "docs" folder. you may need to change to the folder that unzipping created, or change your command to point to the location of the ubuntu-packages-hardy file.

Give ispcp a try. It's really nice.

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - chrisoverly - 08-06-2008 03:17 PM

I am now getting this as my init.d file.... and it says I should change something (because I had an error) but I cannot figure out what I need to change...

#! /bin/sh -e


# create /var/run if it does not already exist
if [ ! -d ${run_dir} ]; then
mkdir -p ${run_dir}
chown daemon:daemon ${run_dir} /var/run/courier
chmod 750 ${run_dir}

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

# Check for a leftover init script

^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos
^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - pgentoo - 08-07-2008 03:48 AM

It looks like there should be much more of a script there... You sure there isn't more content that missed in that file?

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - chrisoverly - 08-07-2008 03:56 AM

i'm reinstalling and trying again, but that is all that was in putty... i even scrolled up and checked.... nothing...

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - sci2tech - 08-07-2008 04:01 AM

chrisoverly Wrote:When installing on Ubuntu 8.04

I get the following:

The following packages have been kept back:
bind9-host dnsutils libbind9-30 libisccfg30 linux-image-server linux-server
openssh-client openssh-server
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.
root@server1:~# apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-hardy)
cat: ./docs/Ubuntu/ubuntu-packages-hardy: No such file or directory
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 8 not upgraded.

Then I can't go to configure the other stuff that should pop up, the first time I tried this, it told me it couldn't find package Libperl (some version number)

Any ideas would be great, please be gentle, I am trying to learn linux.
Please do a
Quote:apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
before running install

RE: Install error on Ubuntu 8.04 - chrisoverly - 08-07-2008 12:52 PM

Finally got it fixed, admins please close this thread... thanks for everyones help Smile