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Best way to install behind router - Printable Version

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Best way to install behind router - Ballistic509 - 08-10-2008 05:16 AM

I'm on Etch and I used this to setup ispCP:

I entered my external IP during ispCP setup. I opened all ports on my router to forward to server. I go to my page and nothing.

I know I'll have to do some changing, but I cannot find what to change or where. I do not know where to locate the parts folder either.

If you need anymore let me know.

RE: Best way to install behind router - kurgans - 08-10-2008 05:34 AM

You put this post as I installed my system, if not entirely correct but it works in my local network without problems.

You should not use the ip external your router only the private ip you have allocated your DHCP system, then opens port 80, 21, 53 ... etc ip to have in the pc where you've installed the panel ( for example.

If you use a dynamic ip dyndns or non-ip for access anytime to your panel.
To access the panel used the example internal ip is mine and all the necessary ports on my router are open to that ip.

A greeting

RE: Best way to install behind router - Ballistic509 - 08-10-2008 08:00 AM

If I set this up with my network IP, then wouldn't Bind not resolve correctly? It would be trying to tell the internet to do a search for 192.168.x.x?

RE: Best way to install behind router - nuno - 08-11-2008 12:59 AM

Ballistic509 Wrote:If I set this up with my network IP, then wouldn't Bind not resolve correctly? It would be trying to tell the internet to do a search for 192.168.x.x?

I want to know to, so BUMMP Smile
i have a test server on local lan ip worked just fine, now i want to access from internet by dynDNS for test stuff, inclusive backup from my production server to dynDNS server on my VirtualBox1.4.6 debian!

My only question (for now Wink ) is that, how i gonna place on ispcp.conf BASE_IP. Smile my lan ip

BTW: my dynDNS domain/ip update nice on my debian install by ddclient!

RE: Best way to install behind router - Ballistic509 - 08-11-2008 01:20 PM

I made it work, I know it's extremely unsafe, but it works.

Changed my <VirtualHost> to <VirtualHost *>

This seems to be the only way to get it to work on my connection.