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mysql root password - Printable Version

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mysql root password - ralph - 08-20-2008 03:43 PM

I guess i let the installer set my root mysql password for me since i was using a clean install. Now i cant remember this, i guess this isnt stored in any install log?
Eventually, how do i crypt a new password, and where do i need to change the crypted string in config files? any other than ispcp.conf ?

RE: mysql root password - ralph - 09-11-2008 06:04 PM

where is the password written, andhow do i crypt a new password?

RE: mysql root password - gurge - 09-11-2008 06:14 PM

It is very easy, just look her:

RE: mysql root password - DecIRC - 10-17-2008 04:51 AM

Isn't there any problem for ispcp to change the root password ?


RE: mysql root password - joximu - 10-17-2008 05:06 AM

I'd suggest to use a second mysql root account for ispcp - how to change this: see

afterwards you can do what you want with the normal mysql root account.


RE: mysql root password - DecIRC - 10-22-2008 04:37 PM

After changing the root password, I'm unable to connect to ispcp :

Connection failed: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

So It's using root password but don't know where defined...

Please help...

RE: mysql root password - BeNe - 10-22-2008 05:06 PM


Greez BeNe

RE: mysql root password - DecIRC - 10-22-2008 05:11 PM

BeNe = I have changed my password without problem. The problem is now ISPCP refuses to work due to this change...


RE: mysql root password - BeNe - 10-22-2008 05:17 PM

Ah ok - sorry!

Quote:5.) Delete your MySQL Password in the Config (/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf) about line 92 like this:


6.) Start the ispcp-db-passwd Script


Now type your new MySQL root Password

Please Enter Your New Database Password:
Please Repeat Your New Database Password:
Database Password Updated Successfully!

7.) That´s it!
Now the GUI should work again.

Greez BeNe