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[SOLVED] dovecot duplicate emails - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] dovecot duplicate emails - oddyutza - 09-19-2008 05:20 PM

i`ve reinstalled all the server, toked everything from wiki. After the replacement of courier with dovecot, installation of maia mailguard and avelsieve, i`ve started to have some issues like: when i`m reciving an email, i have it 2,3 even more times in my inbox, as a duplicate. this happens in time, such as if i`m reciving an email at 12:00 pm it`s just once, then a few hours later the same email appears agan, same content, and the same hour as the first one.

i`m using ispcp RC6 with debian 4.0r3 i686 structure

later edit : in maia the emails apper like this
1.441 2008-09-18 11:41:47
1.441 2008-09-19 03:20:19
1.441 2008-09-19 04:53:42
1.441 2008-09-19 06:34:06
1.441 2008-09-19 08:13:30
as u can see the scorring is the same " 1.441 " , the content is the same, the timestamp in maia is different but the mail was sent just once, i`m shore about this. i`m making some tests over one week now.

ps : this did'nt happen with courier and maia.

pls help . any ideeas?

RE: [email problems] dovecot duplicate emails - BeNe - 09-19-2008 05:28 PM

Could you please post your config
# postconf -n
Is there any entry about it in the mail.log ?
Are the mails queued in the mailq ?

Greez BeNe

RE: [email problems] dovecot duplicate emails - oddyutza - 09-22-2008 12:49 PM

solved the problem, there ware about 94 mails in queue, due to clamav, i have updated clamav, and clamd, by source and not by apt-get, for the moment everything works perfectly.

br++ & thanks, for the help

RE: [email problems] dovecot duplicate emails - aseques - 09-23-2008 08:45 PM

oddyutza Wrote:solved the problem, there ware about 94 mails in queue, due to clamav, i have updated clamav, and clamd, by source and not by apt-get, for the moment everything works perfectly.
You (and everyone) should add the volatile repos to your debian sources, some packages like clamav, are updated in there, even for sarge, it's not a backport neither a security package, so debian decided it should be there.
