RC6 -> RC7 - Claus - 12-13-2008 07:46 AM
has anything changed in the upgradeprocess for RC7?
In the documentation "Upgrade RCx->RCy" is in Chapter 9
"If updating from RC5..."
How is the copy for RC6?
Thanx, Claus
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - sci2tech - 12-13-2008 07:47 AM
see http://www.isp-control.net/ispcp/browser/trunk/docs/Debian/INSTALL
119 5) Update
120 ---------
121 Make sure you are logged in as root and MySQL is running.
123 1. Untar or unzip the distribution files to a secure directory:
124 # cd /root
125 # tar xjvf ispcp-omega-1.0.0-rc7.tar.bz2
127 2. Change to the newly created directory:
128 # cd ./ispcp-omega-1.0.0
130 3. Install the required modules
131 first update your system:
132 # apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
134 for Debian Sarge use:
135 # apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-sarge)
136 for Debian Etch use:
137 # apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-etch)
138 for Debian Lenny/Sid use:
139 # apt-get install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-lenny)
141 Make sure you have added the non-free into your /etc/apt/sources.list:
143 deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ etch main contrib non-free
144 deb http://security.debian.org/ etch/updates main contrib non-free
146 If using Sarge, make sure you have added the following backport into your
147 /etc/apt/sources.list:
149 # backports
150 deb http://dotdeb.pimpmylinux.org/ sarge all
153 (when you get to the courier screen select 'no' to web directories)
154 (when you get to the postfix screen select 'internet site' and then type 'root'
155 for mail. If you've set debian up correctly on install your domain should be
156 already on screen. Select 'no' to force sync updates.)
157 (when you get to the proftpd screen, select 'standalone')
158 (when you get to the rootkithunter screen, select two time 'yes')
160 4. (optional) Check the ispcp.conf and adapt it to your requirements.
162 5. Build the System by using make:
163 # make install
165 6. Save files
166 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-db-keys.pl /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/engine/
167 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/ispcp-db-keys.pl /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/
168 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/include/
169 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/gui/themes/user_logos/* /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/themes/user_logos/
170 # cp -TvR /var/www/ispcp/gui/domain_default_page /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/domain_default_page
172 If updating from RC3 or higher:
173 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/pma/config.inc.php /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/pma/
175 7. Delete old files to avoid security risks:
176 # rm -fR /var/www/ispcp/gui/{admin,client,include,orderpanel,themes,reseller}/
177 # rm -fR /var/www/ispcp/gui/*.php
179 8. Copy /usr and /var directories into your system (you may make backups)
180 # cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/usr/* /usr/
181 # cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/var/* /var/
183 9. Backup ispcp.conf and copy the /etc directory into your system (you may make backups):
184 # mv -v /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf /etc/ispcp/ispcp.old.conf
185 # cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/etc/* /etc/
187 10. Now it's time to update your installation. Change into the engine directory:
188 # cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup
190 11. Start the engine update:
191 # perl ispcp-update
193 12. Update ispCP ω step-by-step
195 If you get no error, all went good; if you get one, look at
196 http://isp-control.net to solve the problem.
198 13. Clean the temporary folders:
199 # rm -fR /tmp/ispcp/
All steps are critical and required. Please pay attention.
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - MoritzDorn - 12-13-2008 09:19 AM
I've started the Upgrade and at the end after "setting engine permissions" there was an error "Rebuilding customers...ERROR 1142 (42000) at line 9: UPDATE command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'domain'".
The homepages show "SELECT command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'config'"
I can send mails but I can't login to my mail account with thunderbird.
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - sci2tech - 12-13-2008 09:37 AM
You did not perform step 6. restore from backup and start again
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - MoritzDorn - 12-13-2008 09:45 AM
(12-13-2008 09:37 AM)sci2tech Wrote: You did not perform step 6. restore from backup and start again
Do you mean this step?
Quote:165 6. Save files
166 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-db-keys.pl /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/engine/
167 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/ispcp-db-keys.pl /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/engine/messager/
168 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/include/
169 # cp -v /var/www/ispcp/gui/themes/user_logos/* /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/themes/user_logos/
170 # cp -TvR /var/www/ispcp/gui/domain_default_page /tmp/ispcp/var/www/ispcp/gui/domain_default_page
I'm sure that i've done this step.
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - Lucan - 12-13-2008 10:36 AM
I also wanted to update right now, but it failed (because there was no possibility to select "from RC6" in the update Script).
And there is one point, i realy dont understand.
124 # cd /root
125 # tar xjvf ispcp-omega-1.0.0-rc7.tar.bz2
127 2. Change to the newly created directory:
128 # cd ./ispcp-omega-1.0.0
Doens't make any sense in my eyes.
Because the "new" ispcp location is called ispcp-1.0.0 and not ispcp-omega-1.0.0 so it should be called:
"2. Change to the newly created directory:
# cd ./ispcp-1.0.0"
"2. Change to the old ispcp directory:
# cd ./ispcp-omega-1.0.0"
Or ain't i right with that?
And sorry for my bad english, hopefully everybody will unterstand what i mean.
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - MoritzDorn - 12-13-2008 10:41 AM
My englisch isn't better 
Yes I've recognized that this should call "# cd ./ispcp-1.0.0".
Is it possible to reinstall the Server with a new ISPCP installation and than I can restore the backup of my mails and database and domains?
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - RatS - 12-13-2008 11:18 AM
ohmg ... I should never work so late... I will change the dir name and upload the files again
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - Lucan - 12-13-2008 07:48 PM
I tried it with the new package, now it works so far, till i start the perl ispcp-update script
there i get the following error:
Name "main::db" used only once: possible typo at ispcp-update line 725.
Generating database keys, it may take some time, please wait...
If it takes to long, please check http://www.isp-control.net/documentation/frequently_asked_questions/what_does_generating_database_keys_it_may_take_some_time_please_wait..._on_setup_mean
Welcome to ispCP '1.0.0 RC7 OMEGA' Update Dialog.
This program will update your VHCS / ispCP OMEGA system on your server.
Please make sure you have a backup of your server data.
NOTE: During the migration process some or all services might require to be
shut down or restarted.
Please select from which version you want to update:
(1) VHCS 2.4.7 or VHCS
(2) VHCS 2.4.8 RC1
(3) ispCP OMEGA 1.0.0 RC2 (incl. b and c)
(4) ispCP OMEGA 1.0.0 RC3
(5) ispCP OMEGA 1.0.0 RC4
(6) ispCP OMEGA 1.0.0 RC5
(7) ispCP OMEGA 1.0.0 RC6
(0) abort
Your selection: 7
Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon/sbin/start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 687: No such process
Stopping ispCP Network Traffic Logger: ispcp_network.
Upgrading system values...done
Upgrading database structure...Enter password:
Rebuilding system configurations... Update failed!
ispCP Update failed.
Any idear, how i can fix this?
RE: RC6 -> RC7 - sci2tech - 12-14-2008 01:28 AM
Upgrading database structure...Enter password:
You did not follow update instructions (step 6) This steps are CRITICAL!!! If you do not save key for database you cannot do the update. Restore from backup and this time follow that steps. I did upgrade 4 servers until now, but never had any problem.