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+--- Thread: improvement (/thread-5703.html) improvement - supaplex - 02-13-2009 03:58 PM

/var/www/ispcp/engine/tools/ runs every 30 minutes. I did some investigating, and found some insanely large phptmp directory inodes present on the system. This is possibly due to this script not running for some period of time, then turned back on again. it's hard to say when the issue really started, because I don't have enough information about it.

However, this script replaced the "find ..." action used to remove all the phptmp files that are too old for that site.

It also gracefully whines about bad uid assignments to the phptmp, as well as the phptmp directory size when it's over 1mb.

export ctime=$max
nice -n 19 /usr/local/sbin/ispcp-phptmp-cleanup ${tmpdir}
takes the place of find before in I haven't made the trouble to just convert the entire shell script to one Perl script. (maybe later)



RE: improvement - Zothos - 02-19-2009 03:22 AM

please create a ticket and attach a patch Smile