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[SOLVED] "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - geri1590 - 02-16-2009 08:49 AM

Hi all, I try to be shortly.
My idea is to create a server in mi house. The problem is my router didn't recognize itself IP public. So, when I install ispCP (Ubuntu 8.04 server) I put my IP public, there's all great, except when a domain request DNS. The problem is domain resolve in local IP. So, in a local network can see the domain, but in a non-local network, don't see domain, because resolve en local IP.

Thanks 4 all and sry for my bad english Smile

RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - joximu - 02-16-2009 09:52 AM

Hi geri1590

the problem is:
- apache needs the "real" IP of the server, this is the local IP, eg.
- the dns should propagate the external IPs to the world - even if the dns itself runs on the local IP, so here we'd need the external IP...

ispCP cannot distinguish between the IP for apache and the IP for bind/dns.

- either use another DNS, external DNS and add domains to it manually
- or maybe change the bind-templates in ispcp so they have always the external IP in the zone files.


RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - geri1590 - 02-17-2009 05:16 AM

Ok I test to change the bind-templates in ispcp. I comment when i test.

RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - rbtux - 02-18-2009 12:20 AM

also set a proxy address in postfix

RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - geri1590 - 02-18-2009 07:28 AM

Hi, I also prove that postfix,
about bind: I tried to change /etc/ispcp/bind/parts/db_master_e.tpl and change DMN_IP to IP public, but when I register a domain in bind appears local. Anyone file to modify plz?

RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - joximu - 02-18-2009 09:39 AM

try "db_e.tpl" in the same folder.

and maybe also the db_sub_entry.tpl


RE: "Home server" (didn't recognize public IP) - geri1590 - 02-18-2009 11:38 PM

Oh! I didn't see it! I put IP public and domain can resolve without problems!!
Very thanks!!!! Smile