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Minimum hardware server spec for ISPCP? - Printable Version

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Minimum hardware server spec for ISPCP? - robbo007 - 05-07-2009 10:59 PM

Hello all,

I have found an older server that has an AMD Athlon 1400 CPU with 2GB RAM and I want to set it up as my hosting ISPCP server, Debian Lenny CLI only. I have plenty of disc space but just worried that my clients will notice speed problems

How many users do you think it could support? Normally my users have their domain hosted, web site, pop3 email for 10 users each domain. In the future maybe Mysql databases too.

I have about 15 clients so far with these reqs.

Do you think this server could handle it with room for more?



RE: Minimum hardware server spec for ISPCP? - kilburn - 05-07-2009 11:08 PM

Absolutely yes: 2 gb of ram should be enough to prevent swappings, and the cpu is very unlikely to be the system's bottleneck (slower cpu means slower everything, but not "non-functioning" anything). Disk IO speed is more of a dealbreaker though, so you should check this also.

Obviously, all this depends on how you set up the system (anti{spam,virus}? fastgci/fcgid or mod_php? etc.)