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Proftpd problem - Printable Version

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Proftpd problem - koob - 05-14-2009 01:55 AM

I`m running ISPCP on gentoo. I have problem with proftpd. When I want to login on ftp account i get 550 PWD No such file or directory. I cheked permissions on files and directories. Checked proftpd.conf. Everything seems to be fine. I`m attaching my proftpd.conf file and logs. Please help me.


What could be wrong ?
One more thing... On total commander I can copy file to that ftp account and I can see it on root shell in directory it should be. Sorry for my english.

RE: Proftpd problem - kilburn - 05-14-2009 02:41 AM

Everything *seems* ok in these files, but have you checked that the "homedir" attribute from the "ftp_users" table in ispcp's database points to a correct (existing and vuXXXX owned) folder?

RE: Proftpd problem - koob - 05-14-2009 05:28 AM

It points to correct folder. I think it is something with 'list' command, because I can copy file, but I always se empty directory. Copied file exists if I check It by rootshell.

RE: Proftpd problem - qisback - 05-14-2009 06:19 AM

How is the server configued?

Is it behind a firewall/NAT Router, if so you may need to enable passive connections on your client and route them correctly or force your client to use active connections if only port 21 is open.

I have had this ls problem alot when proftp is behind a restrictive NAT firewall, I have gotten round this by using active connections before but it doesn't always work. I seem to have to always map a passive route range when a router is involved.


RE: Proftpd problem - koob - 05-14-2009 06:51 AM

It`s not behind NAT, paralell to ISPCP I have gentoo machine with proftp and everything works fine on it.

RE: Proftpd problem - qisback - 05-18-2009 12:33 AM

As kilburn said there doesn't "seem" to be anything wrong.

Have you tried starting proftpd using somthing like
proftpd -n -d 5

as it might be a little more informative than your logs.

let us know how it goes.
