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Installation on Debian Lenny - Printable Version

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Installation on Debian Lenny - rethus - 05-25-2009 11:05 PM

In the Documentation i found point 5.

5. Copy all the directories into the system
We recommand you to make a backup of your current system state.

# cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/* /

what means this? this means, i should copy the /tmp/isp* folder into root folder (/)?
But whats means the backup notation?

RE: Installation on Debian Lenny - rbtux - 05-25-2009 11:22 PM

this step will overwrite a lot of configfiles and stuff on your system. If you like to go back, it would be good having a backup of the files...

RE: Installation on Debian Lenny - rethus - 05-26-2009 04:53 AM

Here some response from a ispcp newbie! So someting would be tips for improving the app, other may be bugs.
Hope to get some answers.

ispCP 1.0.0 OMEGA
build: 20090225
Codename: Priamos

First i wanna say, step 3 in Installation-Guide doesn't work
Quote:apt-get install $ (cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-`lsb_release -cs`)
On my Fresh Debian lenny installation the lsb_release -cs doesn't work, cause there is no lsb installed. So i have replace it with
Quote:apt-get install $ (cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-lenny)

I have do a forwarding to my testserver. if i type the Domain, i get a Message (don't know the message anymore) but there is an link to "login to Admin".

If i type there ocure an error... if i click on "Login as Admin" i get the Login-Dialog.

General Settings :
After Login i go to General-Icon. Under the table i see a message "Database update available" if i click on it, there comes a message "No Database updates available" (very confusing!)

So i go to "Language" and wan't to use "German" but no other language as english available :( And in Installation Documentation i found nothing about language-installation (improveable). Where can i found language-files?

System Tools >> Rootkit log:
/var/log/rkhunter.log doesn't exist or is empty... is it an error? An where can i start to check for Rootkit? This should here be found... or at least an information about rootkit (where to start, and that empty rootkit is no error)

Support System:
Seems not possible to insert a Ticket... only Subnavi Open Tickets, and Closed Tickets are available.

Some informations where to find phpmyadmin and other installed applications would be nice. So it is hard for a newbie to find out all these Things.

I have found out, phpmyadmin is on "http://domain.tld/tools/pma/index.php" :) - But i don't know what else is installed, and where to find it. An Overview would be great!

Hope this Info help to improve the application.

RE: Installation on Debian Lenny - tuxStyle - 05-29-2009 01:48 AM

Well, if you read the tutorial:
in the first chapter after update/upgrade the next line is:
aptitude install tar bzip2 wget lsb-release
which will install lsb-release.

System Tools >> Rootkit log empty.
Rkhunter/chkrootkit are both started from crontb:
# Rootkit Hunter
0       */12    *       *       *       root /usr/bin/rkhunter  --cronjob --createlogfile /var/log/rkhunter.log >/dev/null 2>&1

# Chkrootkit
0       */12    *       *       *       root /usr/sbin/chkrootkit &> /var/log/chkrootkit.log

As far as i remember it was a bug. One of the logs wasn't readable but i'm using a nightly build and everything is ok for me.

RE: Installation on Debian Lenny - ferasfm - 05-30-2009 05:47 AM

im install omega it is Working