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Problem.. Maybe DNS? - Printable Version

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Problem.. Maybe DNS? - rfizzle - 07-04-2009 05:06 AM

Ok. So i installed ispCP sucessfully. I used as the FQHN and as the domain that OMEGA will run on. I have my site at a different host using CPanel and I just am going to use this VPS for a game server. I added an A name dns with oas2 on CPanel pointing to the VPS ip. I did a trace and showed that it is directing to the right IP. But whenever I go two I get an “IP” refused the connection. How can I fix this? Is their a way I can access the control panel throught the ip like http://ip/admin or something?


RE: Problem.. Maybe DNS? - joximu - 07-04-2009 04:38 PM

If no other website is on the ispCP server (normal after setup) then you also should get the login just with the IP (http://ip-of-oas-server/)

But also have a look in the apache error logs and suexec log - because maybe the "refused connection" has a reason...
