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How to add a new domain - Printable Version

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How to add a new domain - koko92_national - 07-10-2009 11:50 AM

Hello i'm not sure if this is the right category to post this thread but i have a question. I've succesfully installed ISP OMEGA and its great, but when i enter my domain name the host panel says that the website is under reconstruction or something like that. And i was asking where to put my site (because i dont see any folder like htdocs) and how to add new domain names to my server and last how to configure bind for the new domains? Thaks Smile

RE: How to add a new domain - joximu - 07-10-2009 04:54 PM


normally you upload the websites via ftp.
create a ftp account within the customers ispCP access and upload the files to htdocs (you can delete the files/folders that are there [index.html and images]).
If you copy the website directly on the shell you need to make sure about the ownership/permissions... - the files are in /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs

New domain? Since you have a domain you should know how to add a new customer... (login to ispCP as Reseller - create new user).
The bind config should be ok - ispCP does this - just take care about the second name server.


RE: How to add a new domain - koko92_national - 07-10-2009 11:18 PM

Thanks! Rolleyes