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Install on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) - My experience, and how to solve the problems - Printable Version

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Install on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) - My experience, and how to solve the problems - jorno - 07-11-2009 08:38 PM


I started installing ispCP on Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04), and got into some problems... I thought I would share the problems I met, and explain what I did to solve these.

I followed the Ubuntu readme file which followed the ispcp-package, while installing. The installation went without any problems... Well, almost. Except: The ispcp_setup script starts, and then stops(!!) bind9. So after installation, you'd have to start bind9 again:
/etc/init.d/bind9 start

I experienced lots of trouble with ProFTPd. It wouldn't startup.
I solved this by:
apt-get remove proftpd-mod-pgsql && apt-get install proftpd-mod-mysql
Then I edited /etc/proftpd/modules.conf, and removed the # in front of the following lines:
LoadModule mod_sql.c
LoadModule mod_sql_mysql.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_sql.c
LoadModule mod_wrap2_sql.c

(NOTE: I do NOT know if every one of these needs to be enabled - but this is what worked for me, and I've setteled with this)
Then run: /etc/init.d/proftpd start

Ubuntu installs postgrey, and tells it to run on port 10023. ISPcp, both the control panel and the postfix-config following ispcp, expects postgrey to run at port 60000.
I solved this by:
Edit /etc/default/postgrey .. Change the portnumber to 60000, and run:
/etc/init.d/postgrey restart

This is the errors I have encountered so far... I will continue testing my newly install of ispcp on Ubuntu 9.04, and post follow-up postings if I find any more problems.

Kind regards from Norway
// jorno

And btw, thanks for this piece of software!! I have been using VHCS for the last three years on a hosting server. I'm now installing ispcp on a test-server, to plan my migration from VHCS to ispcp in the near future.