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fastcgi_ispcp.conf' does not exist ! Ubuntu 8.04 - Printable Version

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fastcgi_ispcp.conf' does not exist ! Ubuntu 8.04 - sebos - 07-13-2009 05:04 AM


Today i want install ispcp omega on fresh Ubuntu 8.04 box.

When i try start installation, after give all information like mysql passwords, admin passwords etc i got

fastcgi_ispcp.conf' does not exist !

    IP of Secondary DNS. (optional) []:

    Use MySQL Prefix.
    Possible values: [i]nfront, [b]ehind, [n]one. [none]: i

    FastCGI Version: [f]cgid or fast[c]gi. [fcgid]:

    Activate AWStats. [no]:

    Starting Installation...
ERROR: File '/etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.conf' does not exist !
root@xxx:/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup#  * Stopping domain name service... bind        * Starting domain name service... bind                                                                                         [ OK ]

and install fail.

i don't know what should i do.
Please help.

RE: fastcgi_ispcp.conf' does not exist ! Ubuntu 8.04 - yaispcpu - 07-18-2009 07:29 PM

If you use this documentation, replace step 5 with following instructions and the installation will success Wink:

dpkg-reconfigure dash
make -f Makefile.ubuntu install

First will make (with choice "No") sure, that dash is deactivated and second will call the right make for Ubuntu.