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[CLOSED] Expand Customer Disk Space - Printable Version

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[CLOSED] Expand Customer Disk Space - Lastarr31 - 09-14-2009 09:38 PM

Hi everybody,

I'm look for expanding the disk space of a customer already create in ISPCP and i don't find the function directly in the web interface.

If anybody can help me i got a real big problem because it's a production server.

Thanks in advance.


J'ai actuellement un serveur en production ou plusieurs de mes comptes clients arrive à la totalité de l'espace disque alloué et voudrais pouvoir l'augmenter.
J'ai eu beau chercher dans l'interface web impossible de mettre la main sur cette fonction.

Si quelqu'un pouvais m'aider se serait super sympa.

Merci d'avance.

RE: Expand Customer Disk Space - joximu - 09-14-2009 09:40 PM

The reseller can change the limits of a domain account.
I don't know which click but one of the links in the user table...


RE: Expand Customer Disk Space - Lastarr31 - 09-14-2009 09:43 PM

Ohh damn it thanks a lot i'm a idiot i've try in admin but not in resseller. Thanks again and sorry for the post.

RE: [CLOSED] Expand Customer Disk Space - joximu - 09-14-2009 11:09 PM
