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Mail Problem [courier] - Printable Version

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Mail Problem [courier] - sebby - 01-23-2010 11:17 AM

I can`t login to my imap/pop server (i get a msg saying: "* BYE Temporary problem, please try again later
Connection closed by foreign host.") I`m shore i use correct login user@domain.tld password.
Here is what i found in a log and looks verry intereseting:
Jan 23 02:48:57 localhost authdaemond: authmysql: trying this module
Jan 23 02:48:57 localhost authdaemond: authmysqllib: connected. Versions: header 50089, client 50089, server 50089
Jan 23 02:48:57 localhost authdaemond: SQL query: SELECT id, crypt, "", uid, gid, home, "", "", name, "" FROM mail_users WHERE id = ''
Jan 23 02:48:57 localhost authdaemond: mysql_query failed, reconnecting: Unknown column 'id' in 'field list
In the end of the post i have to mention few things:
When i installed ispcp i followed a tutorial that said to install dovecot and so i did but same problem: authentification .. later i found problem is because dovecot reads passwords crypted and as i didn`t found anny fix i installed courier back.
Right now i have installed ISPcp 1.0.3-1,courier,postfix,proftpd,bind on FreeBSD7.2
WIERD THING: i telnet to localhost 25 (smtp) and i get connected but no other reply , tried HELO, EHLO .. HELP and i get NOTHING

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - kilburn - 01-23-2010 03:26 PM

... and the postfix log says... ?

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - sebby - 01-23-2010 09:24 PM

Here is my /var/log/maillog:
localhost# cat /var/log/maillog
Jan 23 13:52:30 localhost postfix/postfix-script[97165]: fatal: the Postfix mail system is not running
Jan 23 13:52:31 localhost postfix/postfix-script[97240]: starting the Postfix mail system
Jan 23 13:52:31 localhost postfix/master[97241]: daemon started -- version 2.6.5, configuration /usr/local/etc/postfix
Jan 23 13:52:31 localhost postfix/qmgr[97243]: 1FCBC5C53: from=<>, size=771, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 23 13:52:31 localhost postfix/trivial-rewrite[97245]: fatal: open database /usr/local/etc/postfix/ispcp/domains.db: Inappropriate file type or format
Jan 23 13:52:32 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: process /usr/local/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite pid 97245 exit status 1
Jan 23 13:52:32 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: /usr/local/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 23 13:52:32 localhost postfix/pickup[97242]: EB0465D91: uid=1002 from=<sebby>
Jan 23 13:53:32 localhost postfix/trivial-rewrite[97248]: fatal: open database /usr/local/etc/postfix/ispcp/domains.db: Inappropriate file type or format
Jan 23 13:53:33 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: process /usr/local/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite pid 97248 exit status 1
Jan 23 13:53:33 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: /usr/local/libexec/postfix/trivial-rewrite: bad command startup -- throttling
Jan 23 13:53:56 localhost postfix/smtpd[97250]: fatal: open database /usr/local/etc/postfix/aliases.db: Inappropriate file type or format
Jan 23 13:53:57 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: process /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 97250 exit status 1
Jan 23 13:53:57 localhost postfix/master[97241]: warning: /usr/local/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - kilburn - 01-23-2010 09:50 PM

Your /etc/postfix/ispcp/domains.db file is corrupted. Try running "postmap /etc/ispcp/postfix/domains" and see if this solves your issue. Otherwise, show us the contents of this file.

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - sebby - 01-23-2010 10:36 PM

I had to do what you said to aliases to and now smtp works but imap server stil drops connection so i can`t login

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - kilburn - 01-24-2010 09:55 AM

Try to restart courier-imapd, try to login, and post the corresponding log lines generated in /var/log/mail.log...

RE: Mail authentification problem [courier,postfix] - sebby - 01-24-2010 10:56 AM

I`ve clean my /var/log/maillog ,restarted imap and now here is the log:
localhost# cat /var/log/maillog
Jan 24 03:21:54 localhost imapd: LOGIN FAILED,, ip=[::ffff:]
Jan 24 03:21:54 localhost imapd: authentication error: Input/output error

EDIT: This is how it looks after i telnet localhost 110 (pop3)
localhost# cat /var/log/maillog
Jan 24 03:21:54 localhost imapd: LOGIN FAILED,, ip=[::ffff:1                                                                    ]
Jan 24 03:21:54 localhost imapd: authentication error: Input/output error
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/pickup[1317]: 603615C50: uid=1002 from=<sebby>
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[2969]: 603615C50: message-id=<20100124                                                                    >
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[97747]: 603615C50: from=<>                                                                              , size=493, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/local[2971]: 603615C50: to=<>,                                                                               orig_to=<sebby>, relay=local, delay=0.11, delays=0.05/0.02/0/0.04, dsn=5.3.0, st                                                                              atus=bounced (Command died with status 127: "procmail -a "$EXTENSION"". Command                                                                               output: procmail: not found )
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/cleanup[2969]: 75A455C52: message-id=<20100124                                                                    >
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/bounce[2973]: 603615C50: sender non-delivery n                                                                              otification: 75A455C52
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[97747]: 75A455C52: from=<>, size=2248, nr                                                                              cpt=1 (queue active)
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[97747]: 603615C50: removed
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/local[2971]: 75A455C52: to=<>,                                                                               relay=local, delay=0.03, delays=0.01/0/0/0.01, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced (Comman                                                                              d died with status 127: "procmail -a "$EXTENSION"". Command output: procmail: no                                                                              t found )
Jan 24 03:25:00 localhost postfix/qmgr[97747]: 75A455C52: removed
Jan 24 03:28:59 localhost pop3d: LOGIN FAILED,, ip=[::ffff:1                                                                    ]
Jan 24 03:28:59 localhost pop3d: authentication error: Input/output error

RE: Mail Problem [courier] - joximu - 01-29-2010 08:01 PM

Hi Sebby

I don't know - maybe it's because you first used dovecot.
With courier the users are stored in the userdb of courier.


then, second, it seems there is no procmail installed - so you should disable the procmail support (postfix

Still running on BSD?


RE: Mail Problem [courier] - sebby - 01-30-2010 12:22 AM

I have managed to FIX the problem, i backedup the userdb.dat then makeuserdb and now i can login via telnet but webmail shows me this
error: Error opening ../data/default_pref
Default preference file not found or not readable!
Please contact your system administrator and report this error.

RE: Mail Problem [courier] - kilburn - 01-30-2010 01:00 AM

Quote:error: Error opening ../data/default_pref
Default preference file not found or not readable!

run /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup/