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RE: php-problems - rsmithgs - 03-01-2008 11:13 AM

Sorry I'm half asleep but did I just read you chmod 777 the /etc/apache2 directory?!?!?!

RE: php-problems - joximu - 03-01-2008 11:48 AM


you did not get the point?

if you use php with fastcgi then forget everything about php-settings in the apache config because mod_php is NOT loaded then - that's why it isn't working, or better: it's working but the module is not loaded.

If you switch to mod_php then your apache-inline-php-config style will be available again but security flows away.

See some older discussions about this in the forum.

RE: php-problems - Meatwad - 03-02-2008 01:40 AM

@rsmithgs: no, i didn't ;-)
@joximu: yeah, i got this. but i thought, there would be some other solution. i also searched the forum but i couln't find a solution... is there really no solution? not even with .htaccess or so?

RE: php-problems - joximu - 03-02-2008 04:20 AM


just think like this:
apache and php have nothing to do with each other. so the php_admin_value/php_admin_flag from vhost and the settings in .htaccess they are only for a php which is integrated into apache (as mod_php).
php fastcgi runs totally separated - with other user permissions and knows nothing about some apache settings.

For further questions regarding this, plese consult google


RE: php-problems - Meatwad - 03-03-2008 12:22 AM

ok, i googled now, but there still isn't any solution for my problem. i can't change the php.ini, cause it takes over all changes for the whole customer. in addition: when i'd set the domain to "change" the php.ini is overwritten.

ini_set() is disabled.

there must be a solution...i juts can't believe. there should be hundred of others with the same problem.

RE: php-problems - gOOvER - 03-03-2008 12:27 AM

as Joxi said: you are using fcgi. So you have ONLY ONE php.ini for a domain/customer.

You have to use mod_php. I think you have now solutions enough!

RE: php-problems - Meatwad - 03-03-2008 12:29 AM

well, ok...