ispCP Omega 1.0.7 RC1 Release
The ispCP Team would like to announce the immediate availability of ispCP
ω 1.0.7 RC1. This release is a Release Candidate that covers these bug fixes:
Added FCGID 2.2 compatibility
Added jQuery as JavaScript Framework (Frontend)
Added new exceptions/errors handling libraries (Frontend)
Added PHP 5.3 compatibility (Frontend)
Added Support of HTTP(S) Ports differing from 80 & 443
Added Terms of Service (Frontend)
Enhanced FreeBSD Support
Removed HTML-Purifier (Frontend/Engine)
Feel free to test this Release Candidate and send us your feedback. We do not recommend to use the ispCP ω 1.0.7 RC1 release in a productive environment.
ispCP Omega is an open source solution to all your web hosting needs.
You can download the latest stable release from the downloads section.
Before you download ispCP, please browse through our comprehensive ispCP documentation section and review the System Requirements, Installing ispCP, Frequently Asked Questions and HowTo's.