(12-15-2011 04:25 PM)ephigenie Wrote: (07-14-2011 08:08 AM)max.samael Wrote: Hello send me all files to version 1.20.
It will be last for me.
I start new project and I have no more time to develop this project.
Then this license for ISPvoice isn't changed - free for commercial use too, you can change the code as you want, integrate for any enviroment and now you can change the license, when you develop new fork or new version. But any version to 1.20 is still free.
When is there any interested developer, please contact me thru e-mail (my username at gmail)
Thanks all for the project I hope someone can catch the cord next.
It might be an option to integrate this into ispCP.
But for this, the License has to be mozilla license or better GPL.
Free for non commercial use is a bit funny for a piece of software used for writing bills and sell things ... don't you think so ?
Ok anyway think about it - and maybe i can have a look at the sources ?
Just to see if an integration is possible and makes sense ...
Yes, you're right of course

This software is free for commercial use too of course.
I can change the license.
I'm interested with your offer and I will transfer all the project to ispcp omega for free if you want.
I havn't no more time for developing and in this project will be usefull.
One issue is with wordpress login: I cannot find the regular and secret way to login, but one member send me the fix. This can be solved.
If you have interest, please, contact me thru e-mail (max.samael (a t) gmail.com) and I will be there for all question and I will be glad when this code will be used in ispcp omega.
Thank you.
(12-13-2011 02:11 AM)bpadmin Wrote: Max,
Did you ever get the wp login feature to work on the userdata.php scripts in modules and tpl directories? When clicking on the login button on userdata screen it just goes to wp login, you login and need to navigate back to the userdata screen and the fields are NOT populated from existing wp user. What happens if customer (wp user) wants to add another invoice for somet other purchase? Do they have to sign up with a new login id and new email address? You check for existing login and email address and prevent completion of order.
Yes I lnow this issue, but I cannot find the regular way.
Don't worry, one user send me the fix I will test it, when I have more time.