The ispCP Software installer RC1 is available for ispCP 1.0.3 only.
The installer doesn't support ispCP 1.0/1.0.1/1.0.2
Dear Community,
Some guys in the German corner do work on a software installer which allows customers to install pre-packaged 3rd-party software like drupal, dokuwiki etc.
As this might be interesting for the whole community, I hereby translate the announcement from the German corner:
TheCry has been working on the topic "Software Installer" and did release a Beta version which is based on the work of Achmed. A big THANK YOU goes to these guys.
- * There is only one option in your php configuration that needs to be changed. The "upload_max_filesize" is to be increased to a more reasonable value (like 20 Mbytes)
* It is NOT needed to enable functions like "exec"
- * This Beta has been created for the current trunk (r1890)
- * It's not yet ready for production use
- * Packages can be created by anyone
- * As the Admin has to clear the packages he always knows what packages the reseller offers to the customers
- * The Reseller uploads the finished packages, and as soon as the admin clears them the customers is able to install them.
- * The software installer can be enabled per reseller and per customer.
*UPDATE 23.12.2009*
ispCP Software Installer *RC1*
Software Packages - XML based
No packages yet .....
# wget
# tar -xvzf ispCP_Installer_RC_1.tar.gz
# cd ispcp_installer/
# ./install
Follow the install instructions (They might be in german, sorry :-()
The "upload_max_filesize" parameter in the masters php.ini needs to be increased, to allow the installation of bigger packages:
# vi /var/www/fcgi/master/php5/php.ini
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 2M
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 20M
and save the file. Remeber that a restart of Apache is needed to immediatly take over the new setting!
Screenshot Admin:
Screenshot Reseller:
Screenshot Customer:
Please post feedback and feature request in this thread.
Be aware the installer is still beta. So it might be possible that you encounter some errors.
Thanks to TheCry for the great job he did