I have installed ispcp rc6 and it is freezing during install after the user input part:
/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup# perl ispcp-setup
Generating database keys, it may take some time, please wait...
If it takes to long, please check
Welcome to ispCP '1.0.0 RC6 OMEGA' Setup Dialog.
This program will set up ispCP OMEGA system on your server.
Next you are asked to enter a "fully qualified hostname" (FQHN).
For more infos read
Please enter a fully qualified hostname. [localhost]:
Please enter system network address. []:
Please enter the domain name where ispCP OMEGA will run on [admin.localhost]:
Please enter SQL server host. [localhost]:
Please enter system SQL database. [ispcp]:
Please enter system SQL user. [root]:
Please enter system SQL password. [none]:
Please repeat system SQL password:
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user. [vftp]:
Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user password. [auto generate]:
Please repeat ispCP ftp SQL user password:
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user. [pma]: pma
Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password. [auto generate]:
Please repeat ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password:
Please enter administrator login name. [admin]: admin
Please enter administrator password:
Please repeat administrator password:
Please enter admininistrator email address: root@localhost
IP of Secondary DNS. (optional) []:
Use MySQL Prefix.
Possible values: [i]nfront, [b]ehind, [n]one. [none]: i
Activate AWStats. [no]: no
Starting Installation...
This happens after following step by step directions in the Debian/INSTALL file,
system info:
debian 4 etch
all packages from /ispcp-omega-1.0.0/docs/Debian/debian-packages-etch
any ideas why install freezing?