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ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
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grg Offline
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Post: #11
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!

upgrade from RC6 on Debian 5 worked perfectly (just a little error in the proftpd.conf file that wasn't modified (it looked like the one in the template).

Thanks for your work.

Now i'm spending all my time moving my servers to CPanel, but as soon as possible i'll help you more "actively".

12-20-2008 03:05 AM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #12
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
you mean from CPanel?
12-20-2008 03:07 AM
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grg Offline
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Post: #13
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
No, i'm moving my server from my custom panel to CPanel, but i'm very interested to ispcp.

There are some things i think are missing:

- A place where i can insert the motivation when i disable an account (only a box in admin page, but it would be perfect if a disabled user logging in IspCP could see the motivation i've disabled it for)
- Some options in Admin CP:
-- Disable features like third level emails
-- Modify backups (for example set weekly backup, monthly backup...)
-- Edit templates (in a simple php editor).

They're not necessary things (i can do all of it from kvm/ssh), but i think they would be useful.

(This post was last modified: 12-20-2008 07:35 PM by grg.)
12-20-2008 07:25 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #14
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
(12-20-2008 07:25 PM)grg Wrote:  - A place where i can insert the motivation when i disable an account (only a box in admin page, but it would be perfect if a disabled user logging in IspCP could see the motivation i've disabled it for)
- Some options in Admin CP:
-- Disable features like third level emails
-- Modify backups (for example set weekly backup, monthly backup...)
-- Edit templates (in a simple php editor).

Great Ideas, so you have two options:
a) Wirte patches for them and attach them to a ticket, we will be glad to add them into ispCP or
b) create a ticket in 1.1.0 as a feature request and we will add it in future.

Here it will be only gone lost.

Thanks for your commitment.
12-20-2008 08:04 PM
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grg Offline
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Post: #15
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!

as i've said i can do these things in a simple ssh session (modify templates, modify the cron script that suns backups), but now i'm not able to create ispcp patches.

So 'im going to open a ticket. Sorry, where can i open a ticket?



So i'm going to send a new ticket.


i'm running a webhosting company and i've used many Hosting Control Panels, so i have some ideas for features to be added in IspCP 1.0.0.

I'll list them:

- Admin Interface
-- Add a simple template editing script (i mean templates in /etc/ispcp/*/parts)
-- Add a backup scheduling script (montlhy, weekly, yearly and so on. It will be perfect to have te possibility to set a backup interval for each account, but i think it's too difficult to add)
-- Add another simple system to globally disable IspCP features (for example i don't want to give users the possibility to create email on third level domains). Of course, it will be very nice if you add this option for each account.
-- Add to the user suspension script a way to insert notes (the suspension motivation for example). It's only for administration purposes, but it would be vary nice if a suspended user logging into his panel could see the suspension motivation.
-- Add a suspended page for disabled accounts (now i can see a 404 error and can see that files are moved to /var/www/virtual/DOMAIN.disabled). In this page we could also insert the motivation for the suspension, but i don't know if it brokes the law (privacy...).

As i said in the forum many of these operations could be done via shell, and i'm not able to give you pathces for the things i'm requesting. Of course, if you agree with that i can write simple tutorials to do them via ssh/kvm until you modify IspCP.

Thanks for your attention and for your work.


I can't send this ticket, i get the error: Submission rejected as potential spam
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2008 09:16 PM by grg.)
12-20-2008 08:57 PM
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simple Offline
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Post: #16
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
Bei mir ging das Update nur fast glatt: die named.conf wurde falsch erzeugt - der Kopfbereich (alles bis zu den Domains selbst) kam x-Mal vor, wahrscheinlich nicht zufällig genau so oft wie Domains im System sind. Da auch die Zeile include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options"; in jeder Iteration wiederholt wurde hat der Bind den Dienst verweigert.
Es war schon genug die unnötigen Zeilen zu löschen, aber ich musste manuell ran.

12-21-2008 10:02 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #17
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
Please write in english - so that everyone can understand your problems.

If you've found a bug while upgrading, please write as much & exactly as possible about the circumstances and file a bug report into our tracker. That way everyone might be helped.
12-21-2008 06:11 PM
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FeG Offline

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Post: #18
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!

I was very busy in the last month, so I neither read the board nor the website - and I was a bit surprised to hear, that RC7 is out since I read the announcement mailinglist of ispCP.

So I'd suppose to post this "news" on the list and the RSS feed even if it's a bit old.. (and to not forget this in the future Wink)

12-29-2008 10:15 PM
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corey6969 Offline

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Post: #19
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
I just successfully upgraded from RC6 to RC7 without a problem. Cant for 1.0!!
01-19-2009 03:55 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #20
RE: ispCP Omega 1.0.0 RC7 released!
(12-29-2008 10:15 PM)FeG Wrote:  So I'd suppose to post this "news" on the list and the RSS feed even if it's a bit old.. (and to not forget this in the future Wink)

OT: Ups, seems to be that our new PR guy forgot this. Be patient with him this time, was his first one!
01-20-2009 01:10 AM
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