hope this helps some peeps
upgraded / installed latest version of debian 5 / ispcp 1.0.5
from day one i had problems adding domains / changing emails / disabling users / etc / etc
Quote:pear install Net_IDNA-0.7.3
fixed my problems, yes this is already mentioned on the forum somewhere, but the name is so crazy, nobody is finding it (thats why so much people complain about having to run ispcp-rqst-mngr manually, i think there is a bug report, if not, be active on it

i just spend couple hours to much on this one, but thanks to everybody anyway
- if you have to cron the ispcp-rqst-mngr
- or you have X Execute requests
- or update status stays the same
- or if you have the error domain status is not okay (after adding / changing an email addres for example)
then this is your fix! (i hope, at least it was for me)