I know this has been discussed over and over again but I have failed to find a solution to the issue.
To me there is no point in having domains hosted that will only relay on a single master server or on two name servers on the same subnet therefore, if a solution has been found to this issue please help us, the rest of the community
The issue is I can add manual slave entries on a bind server then instruct it to download the zone from a Bind ispCP configured server but all the requests fail with connection refused or permission denied, regardless of what I have added in the named.conf file or the named.conf.options file. I have added:
In the named.conf on each zone
allow-transfer { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy; );
notify YES;
also-notify { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy; );
with no success. I get the permission denied message.
In named.conf.options
allow-transfer { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy; );
also-notify { xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy; );
and I get the same error from the bind ispCP master as above.
I have added the above in both named.conf and named.conf.options ... same result.
In the end, is there a way to set the ispCP bind to allow transfers from slave name servers?
Thank you,