ah nein ich idi, sorry hab eben nochmal nachgeschaut war nur die 2b, sorry
und wo würde ich das 3er finden ?
$cfg_obj = new Config("/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf");
if ($cfg_obj->status == "err") {
/* cannot open ispcp.conf file - we must show warning */
print "<center><b><font color=red>Cannot open the ispcp.conf config file !<br><br>Please contact your system administrator</font></b></center>";
$cfg = $cfg_obj->getValues();
class Config {
his class will parse config file and get all variables avaible in PHP
v. 0.1
var $config_file; /* config filename */
var $cfg_values; /* array with options and values that you can get and user
var $status;
function Config($cfg = "/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf"){
$this -> config_file = $cfg;
$this -> status = "ok";
if ($this->parseFile() == FALSE) {
$this->status = "err";
return FALSE;
else {
return TRUE;
function parseFile(){
/* open file ... parse it and put it in $cfg_values */
@@$fd = fopen($this->config_file,'r');
if ($fd == FALSE) {
/* ooops error */
$this->status = "err";
return FALSE;
$buffer = fgets($fd,4096);
/* remove spaces */
$buffer = ltrim($buffer);
if (strlen($buffer) < 3) {
/* empty */
else if ($buffer[0] == '#' || $buffer[0] == ';') {
/* this is comment */
else if (strpos($buffer,'=') === false) {
/* have no =
else {
$pair = explode('=',$buffer,2);
$pair[0] = ltrim($pair[0]);
$pair[0] = rtrim($pair[0]);
$pair[1] = ltrim($pair[1]);
$pair[1] = rtrim($pair[1]);
/* ok we have it
return TRUE;
function getValues(){
return $this->cfg_values;
function decrypt_db_password ($db_pass) {
global $ispcp_db_pass_key, $ispcp_db_pass_iv;
if ($db_pass == '') return '';
if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
$text = @base64_decode("$db_pass\n");
/* Open the cipher */
$td = @mcrypt_module_open ('blowfish', '', 'cbc', '');
/* Create key */
$key = $ispcp_db_pass_key;
/* Create the IV and determine the keysize length */
$iv = $ispcp_db_pass_iv;
/* Intialize encryption */
@mcrypt_generic_init ($td, $key, $iv);
/* Decrypt encrypted string */
$decrypted = @mdecrypt_generic ($td, $text);
@mcrypt_module_close ($td);
/* Show string */
return trim($decrypted);
} else {
system_message("ERROR: The php-extension 'mcrypt' not loaded !");
Habe ein paar leer zeilen entfernt und konnte nichts finden was ich verbergen müsste