When I telnet the mail.domain.com 25, which is our servers domain I get this:
220 mail.domain.net ISPCP 1.0 Priamos Managed ESMTP 1.0.0 RC2 OMEGA
but when I telnet a domain that locates on our server I get this:
220 mail.domain.com ISPCP 1.0. Priamos Managed ESMTP 1.0.0 RC2 OMEGA
For some reason, when I telnet our primary domain I get reponse where our domain ends up NET tld?
How can I change that? smtp_banner is .com-tld as it's supposed to in main.cf.
BTW. Grungy, where did you find this error
*I had to telnet from a linux box since for some reason i wasnt able to telnet it from my own ms-comp