so, der erste punkt wäre abgearbeitet ... das starten im debug:
root@HOST:/etc/proftpd# proftpd -n -d5
- mod_ctrls/0.9.4: binding ctrls socket to '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock'
- parsing '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' configuration
- parsing '/etc/proftpd/modules.conf' configuration
- mod_tls/2.1.1: using OpenSSL 0.9.8c 05 Sep 2006
- disabling runtime support for IPv6 connections
- DenyFilter: compiling deny regex '\*.*/'
- <Directory /*>: deferring resolution of path
- PathDenyFilter: compiling deny regex '.quota$'
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_delay.c' section at line 84
FQDN.local -
FQDN.local - Config for FQDN:
FQDN.local - Limit
FQDN.local - IgnoreHidden
FQDN.local - /*
FQDN.local - Umask
FQDN.local - DirUmask
FQDN.local - AllowOverwrite
FQDN.local - HideNoAccess
FQDN.local - ShowSymlinks
FQDN.local - AllowStoreRestart
FQDN.local - AllowForeignAddress
FQDN.local - DisplayLogin
FQDN.local - DisplayFirstChdir
FQDN.local - DenyFilter
FQDN.local - SQLAuthTypes
FQDN.local - SQLAuthenticate
FQDN.local - SQLConnectInfo
FQDN.local - SQLMinID
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
FQDN.local - RootLogin
FQDN.local - TransferLog
FQDN.local - PathDenyFilter
FQDN.local - DeferWelcome
FQDN.local - DefaultServer
FQDN.local - ShowSymlinks
FQDN.local - AllowOverwrite
FQDN.local - IdentLookups
FQDN.local - AllowStoreRestart
FQDN.local - AllowForeignAddress
FQDN.local - TimeoutNoTransfer
FQDN.local - TimeoutStalled
FQDN.local - TimeoutIdle
FQDN.local - DisplayLogin
FQDN.local - DisplayFirstChdir
FQDN.local - DenyFilter
FQDN.local - DefaultRoot
FQDN.local - UserID
FQDN.local - UserName
FQDN.local - GroupID
FQDN.local - GroupName
FQDN.local - DelayEngine
FQDN.local - SQLBackend
FQDN.local - SQLAuthTypes
FQDN.local - SQLAuthenticate
FQDN.local - SQLConnectInfo
FQDN.local - SQLUserTable
FQDN.local - SQLUsernameField
FQDN.local - SQLPasswordField
FQDN.local - SQLUidField
FQDN.local - SQLGidField
FQDN.local - SQLHomedirField
FQDN.local - SQLShellField
FQDN.local - SQLGroupTable
FQDN.local - SQLGroupnameField
FQDN.local - SQLGroupGIDField
FQDN.local - SQLGroupMembersField
FQDN.local - SQLMinID
FQDN.local - QuotaEngine
FQDN.local - QuotaShowQuotas
FQDN.local - QuotaDisplayUnits
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
FQDN.local - SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
FQDN.local - QuotaLock
FQDN.local - QuotaLimitTable
FQDN.local - QuotaTallyTable
FQDN.local - RootLogin
FQDN.local - TransferLog
FQDN.local - ExtendedLog
FQDN.local - PathDenyFilter
FQDN.local - mod_ctrls/0.9.4: binding ctrls socket to '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock'
FQDN.local - ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built Tue Jan 2 11:22:35 UTC 2007) standalone mode STARTUP
sieht mal nicht direkt nach nem fehler aus, oder irre ich da?
wenn ich connecten will kommt folgendes:
FQDN.local (IP_ADRESS[IP_ADRESS]) - FTP session requested from unknown class
FQDN.local (IP_ADRESS[IP_ADRESS]) - FTP session closed.
der ansatz mit dem mysql OLD_PASSWORD hat auch nix gebracht