I once again thought about realising the password protection and would like to hear your opinion about yet another possible solution.
We should start using our own AWStats like we do with the other tools too. We would have a more up-to-date version which generates better stats. New versions there are very rarely and there are not much security updates like in PMA, so there should not be much more work with that.
We put AWStats into the tools-directory (some files perhaps somewhere else) and protected it with a htaccess-file (require valid-user). We also modify the config-template, so that AllowAccessFromWebToAuthenticatedUsersOnly and AllowAccessFromWebToFollowingAuthenticatedUsers are set correctly. Until now there is not much work. Now we have to modify ispcp-dmn-mngr so that the login-data of a new user will be written into a htpasswd-file. Accordingly they should be deleted if you delete the user and modified if you change the password. Probably for this big parts from ispcp-htuser-mngr can be used.
In a further step we could extend the GUI, so that the users can set a separate password for AWStats.
Unfortunately I don't understand enough Perl to realise this.
Another interesting possibility was the script from Jan, but regrettably the
thread is broken and he did not respond to my mail to post it again.