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[HowTo] Password changer for Roundcube Webmail
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Cube Offline

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[HowTo] Password changer for Roundcube Webmail
This HowTo describes how to implement a password changer into Roundcube.

How it works
With this mod RC will set the new pasword directly in the ispcp database and call the ispCP-daemon to update the configs.

- a working Roundcube (version 0.1.1) which is installed in ispCP's tools-directory (Please do not ask about how to install Roundcube in this thread.)
- ispCP RC4 or later (if you upgraded to RC4 from an older version you have to set the database revision to 1 (mysql -> ispcp -> config) and check for database updates in the GUI (that's because of a bug in the update-script) / mail_addr should not be empty)

I assume that the roundcube-directory and the roundcube-user are both called roundcube.

In /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/roundcube/program/steps/settings/ before line 198
$out .= "\n</table>$form_end";
add this:
// Password MOD
  $field_id = 'rcmfd_password';
  $input_password = new passwordfield(array('name' => '_password', 'id' => $field_id, 'size' => 20));
  $out .= sprintf("<tr><td class=\"title\"><label for=\"%s\">%s</label></td><td>%s (empty = unchanged)</td></tr>\n",
  // End Password MOD
In /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/roundcube/program/steps/settings/ at the beginning (line 22) add this:
require '../../include/ispcp-functions.php';
This includes the functions which we need to call the ispCP-daemon.
After approximately line 31
'preview_pane' => isset($_POST['_preview_pane']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
add this:
// Password MOD
  'password'  => isset($_POST['_password']) ? TRUE : FALSE,
  // End Password MOD
After approximately line 40
$a_user_prefs[$p] = $CONFIG[$p];
add this:
// Password MOD
if (isset($_POST['_password']) && $_POST['_password']!="")
  $tmpPass = $_POST['_password'];
  $tmpUser = $_SESSION['username'];

  mysql_query("UPDATE ispcp.mail_users SET mail_pass='$tmpPass', status='change' WHERE mail_addr='$tmpUser'")
    or die(mysql_error());


  $_SESSION['password'] = encrypt_passwd($_POST['_password']);
// End Password MOD
Now we have to give the roundcube-user access to our mail_users table in the ispcp-database.
He will get only the minimum he needs: SELECT-privileges for mail_addr and UPDATE-privileges for mail_pass and status. You can do this with PMA or with the following SQL statements:
GRANT SELECT (`mail_addr`), UPDATE (`mail_pass`, `status`) ON `ispcp`.`mail_users` TO 'roundcube'@'localhost';
You can translate the "(empty = unchanged)" string to your default language or remove it - it should be intuitive enough.

Test it!
After a change you will lose your connection to the IMAP server and have to login again.
Post improvements if you know some. I will merge them to a final HowTo in the docu.
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2008 03:05 AM by BeNe.)
03-15-2008 11:22 PM
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[HowTo] Password changer for Roundcube Webmail - Cube - 03-15-2008 11:22 PM

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