This new error has nothing to do with daemon. The user that you try to add is already in /etc/passwd. either remove it from /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group and /etc/gshadow either in table auto-num (ispcp database) add this
INSERT INTO `ispcp`.`auto_num` (
`id` ,
'1', 'auto-num'
But please test if this happend again, see if this happend (error message) when a new domain is added or it is not happend again.
Verify than no other domain has same uid/gid (table domain). if it has change uid/gid to 0 and then change the coresponding domain, domain-alias and subdomains status in change and coresponding mail_users staus in toadd, then run ispcp-rqst-mngr. To proper diagnostic must know how many domain exists in your system (i expect 2 and 1 with defective status), haw many corresponding entry do you have in /etc/passwd (DO NOT POST HERE /etc/passwd
